What's all the Buzz about. . .

It has been an exciting year so far for ABCDesign. ABCDesign's relational marketing strategies has ensured a loyal client base with opportunities to serve new like-minded companies with ambitions to grow. These trusts have given me the freedom to express my artistic and marketing creativity. Your confidence has allowed ABCDesign to win several awards in the print, multi-channel and email marketing categories.  


I would like to share my unconditional gratitude by sharing the names of the awards that could not have been achieved without you.

HP Inkspiration Award Neographic Best Award Neographic Franklin Award Constant Contact 2015 All Star

2016 HP Inkspiration Awards for the Americas: 
Project - The Standard Groups Countdown Celebration 
Rod Key Marketing Excellence Award
General Commercial Printing: Direct Mail
Neographic - 2016 Power of Print awards: 
Project - The Standard Groups Countdown Celebration 
Best of Category Winner for Cross-Media Marketing 
Best of Category Winner for Digital Printing: Variable Data 
Best of Category Winner for Printer's Self-Promotion: Campaigns 
Franklin Award of Excellence for Cross-Media Marketing 
2015 Constant Contact All Star
Previous years - 2014, 2013 and 2011 
Project - The Standard Group's Countdown Celebration
ABCDesign created a multi-channel and personalized promotional mailer with an interactive slider. The direct mailer resembled the New Year's ball drop to entice daily visits to Standard Group's promotional website to collect free gifts.

The project was designed around a comic book theme named "Let's Celebrate!" and to be fun, colorful and inviting. The print pieces consisted of the main mail piece with die cut slider of the ball drop, bright attention-grabbing customized envelope, "2016" eye glasses in 5 different designs to bring fun to any New Year's celebration and a "Success" journal with personal quotes throughout from Standard Group's employees along with ruled pages for writing. Also provided supportive graphics for the online campaign that enticed recipients to follow along and count down 5 days with a different activity each day.

Click here to read about the entire campaign from The Standard Group.

Neographics is one of the nation's largest regional graphic communications contest in which graphic arts, packaging, converting, design and publishing excellence is selected and showcased. Neographics is a contest dedicated to recognizing and rewarding the quality and service that is provided by the graphic communications, packaging and converting industries to their worldwide customers. The Neographics Call for Entries is sent to more than 6,000 firms including print buyers and other people who work with the graphic arts communities in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware. Neographics is sponsored by the Graphic Arts Association in Philadelphia, PA. 
HP Inkspiration Awards NA, celebrating the best of the best in innovative ways of producing exceptional print pieces using HP digital print technology. The winners were announced and celebrated at Dscoop's annual conference in San Antonio. Click here to view this year's winners.
Promotion's logo
"We were delighted to work with Alice again on our holiday promotion. She was instrumental in our planning, design and print execution on this complex campaign. We think so highly of Alice and her design capabilities."

- Thanh Nguyen, CMO
The Standard Group

All print components
2016 eye glasses and mailer
Email Marketing - Constant Contact All Star Award
Constant Contact 2015 All Star
ABCDesign along with 2 of my client's have won the Constant Contact All Star Award.

I would like to congratulate Henriette Alban of Living in Balance and Jill Vincent of Wellness Council of Boyertown for their outstanding email marketing results.

"Alice Buchman is truly an All Star Professional this reward is well deserved. From the early onset of my newsletters and announcements a few years ago, Alice has kept an eye on my fledgling efforts to become proficient at releasing my monthly news. Anytime I needed help, she was right there assisting me and fixing what I knew I didn't know how. I'm so very grateful to have her professional support and her excellent eye for layout, format, colors (she's beyond awesome) while keeping an eye on content and checking live links and more. Anyone working with Alice and ABCDesign is truly in great hands. Alice will work with you and her clients know she goes the extra mile towards their success. Thank you Alice, you're terrific"
- Henriette Alban ND
Constant Contact All Star Award is an annual designation that only 10% of Constant Contact customers receive for their excellence in building better customer relationships. Click here to find out more.
Alice Buchman Creative Design, Inc.   |   610-698-6156   |   [email protected]   |   www.abcdesigns4u.com