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October 2018 Newsletter
                              developing clinical excellence
In This Newsletter
Job Description Training
End of Year Tax Planning
National Orthodontic Health Month

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How Andrea can help:

· Sterilization review, design and implementation

·OSHA training, reviews and manuals

· Basic and advanced chairside duties

· Clinical training system and manual

· Indirect bonding

· Clinical coordinator

· Verbal skills to encourage compliance

· Reduction of emergency visits

· Personalized clinical manual

· Inventory control

· Instrument set ups and organization in the operatory

· Implementation of your treatment plans

· Reduction of patients beyond estimated completion date

On the web

All employees like to know what is expected of them and how they will be evaluated. A job description typically outlines the necessary skills, training and education needed by an employee. It will spell out duties and responsibilities of the job. Each position in your practice should have a complete job description specific to their role.
Having a clear job description is key in the hiring process but does not train a new team member how to deliver great customer service to your patients. There are many parts that make up good customer service: it is more than just being a friendly face. Make sure they understand what makes good customer service in your office, and that they can consistently deliver it.
Asking some important questions during the interview process to help determine if a potential new team member fits with your office culture and can deliver the experience you want for your patients.
- What does excellent customer service mean to you?
- What is the best customer service you have ever received? Why?
- Tell me about a time you received poor customer service?
- Have you ever dealt with an extremely difficult patient/situation?     How did you handle it?

Businesses of every type need to train employees in customer service and this includes our orthodontic offices. Many of the companies known for outstanding customer service ~ Nordstrom, Ritz-Carlton, Chick-fil-A, Zappos, etc. ~ invest a great deal of time training a new team member before they even see a customer. General customer service training topics, such as conflict resolution, communication and handling difficult customers are useful in every organization. Specialized topics, such compliance concerns, late patients, etc. may need specific verbiage suggestions to help deliver these messages in a more positive tone.
Part of your customer service training includes helping each team member see that each customer service touch point, no matter how small, is a golden link in the overall customer experience chain. With good hiring and training processes your office can build a team that will provide an outstanding customer experience in every touch point. 

  End of Year Tax Planning

The end of 2018 is quickly approaching. This year seemed to go by more quickly than others! If you are thinking of purchasing new equipment for your practice, now is a good time to do so. With some planning it is possible to evaluate your current sterilization area and determine if changes are needed for compliance with the current CDC guidelines. If changes are needed there is time to get equipment ordered and placed in service by the end of the year.
A first step is a thorough evaluation of your current system. One tool that is very helpful is the summary that CDC developed in March. 2016.   CDC has developed Summary of Infection Prevention Practices in Dental Settings Basic Expectations for Safe Care and Companion Checklist. This document summarizes current infection prevention recommendations and includes a checklist that can be used to evaluate compliance. You or your team can use this checklist to identify all procedures performed in their office and refer to appropriate sections of this checklist to conduct their evaluation. If the answer to any of the applicable listed questions is no, efforts should be made to determine why the correct practice was not being performed, correct the practice, educate team members, and reassess the practice to ensure compliance.
Please visit my website at to download both a CDC infection prevention checklist and an OSHA inspection checklist. These documents will help you evaluate your current level of compliance and identify areas for change.
If you would like assistance evaluating your current sterilization system and implementing changes to gain compliance with the current CDC and OSHA guidelines give me a call to schedule your sterilization and OSHA review and training.

National Orthodontic Health Month
When October comes around the first thing that comes to the mind of most is "trick or treat", but for orthodontists this means National Orthodontic Health Month.

National Orthodontic Health Month is all about creating awareness about orthodontics and promoting orthodontic health. This is the perfect time for your practice to interact with your surrounding community and patients to help them better understand the importance of what your practice does. It is important that those of all ages understand the health and lifestyle benefits of orthodontics.
As part of October's National Orthodontic Health Month, the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) is providing braces-friendly Halloween recipes and tips to help orthodontic patients and parents enjoy the holiday. AAO members can download posters, coloring sheets, and artwork at to post in their office, their general dentist office or at their local schools.
With Halloween everywhere, this month it's the perfect opportunity to spread awareness in a fun way.
Here are few ideas for your practice:
-Host an orthodontic community health fair
-Distribute healthy Halloween treats
-Provide patients with healthy Halloween treat recipes
-Host an in-office orthodontic trivia contest
-Post fun orthodontic facts on your website/ social media platforms
-Host a pumpkin smile carving contest
-Candy buy-back programs
I hope you all enjoy a safe and "spooky" Halloween ~ Boo!

Thank you for your continued support of my clinical newsletter.  I hope you and your team find the information useful.  Please visit my website and feel free to email me with any comments or questions. 

Andrea Cook
Andrea Cook LLC