June 19, 2020
Tracking coronavirus: Anaheim responds
Anaheim continues to respond to the coronavirus outbreak while we work on a cautious, gradual reopening of our city.

We provide daily updates at Anaheim.net/coronavirus and on our Facebook , Instagram and Twitter accounts.

The newsletter is a summary of where we're at.

We thank everyone in Anaheim for doing your part to stem the spread of coronavirus in our community and we want you to know that as your city, we're here for you.

Actualización en español aquí.
Anaheim cases: 1,839

As of June 19, Anaheim has 1,839 reported cases of Covid-19, the condition caused by coronavirus.

Anaheim's 1,839 cases are out of 9,576 for all of Orange County.

As countywide testing continues to expand, Anaheim and other cities are seeing more new cases.

Since May 1, countywide testing more than tripled. The county now has surpassed 200,000 tests and is at 202,884 tests processed to date.

While we don't get city-specific data on deaths, Anaheim is aware of 39 deaths in our city from complications of Covid-19.

Thirty-seven of those deaths have been at skilled nursing facilities in our city and were older patients with advanced medical conditions.

Our hearts go out to all the families that have lost a loved one.

We expect to see data on deaths provided by city soon, which will give us more information about the impact of the virus in our community.

While every death is tragic, Anaheim follows all of Orange County with a relatively low death rate.

Cumulative cases in Anaheim also represent a small fraction, 0.4 percent, of Anaheim's 360,000 residents.

Among cities, Santa Ana has the most cases at 2,055, followed by Anaheim at 1,839, Garden Grove at 546 and Huntington Beach at 463.

Anaheim is the largest in Orange County by population, and also has a large number of skilled nursing facilities, so we would expect to have a higher number of cases compared to other cities in the county.

Keep following us at Anaheim.net/coronavirus and on Facebook , Twitter and Instagram .

We are in this together and we'll get through this together.
Orange County cases

As of June 19, the Orange County Health Care Agency, the lead agency for coronavirus in our region, is tracking 9,576 cases.

On May 26, OC Health began releasing an estimated number of Covid-19 patients who have recovered countywide.

That number is conservatively estimated at 4,591. 

This estimate is calculated by taking the difference between the prior 28-day cumulative case count and current number of deaths.  

We do not have an estimate or actual count of those who have recovered in Anaheim.

But we know the vast majority of those infected thankfully go on to recover.

Orange County has seen 257 deaths -- the first of which was reported March 24 -- from complications of Covid-19.

While any loss of life is tragic, Orange County's death rate is relatively low at 2 percent.

Total tests done countywide now stand at 202,884.

The county's 9,576 running cases represent a 4 percent positive rate of all tests done.

That means 96 percent of tests are coming back negative.

When tracking began in March, the positive rate hovered around 8 percent. 

We and others continue to watch Orange County's positive rate on testing, which is lower than other counties and areas.

As of June 19, those reported in hospitals moderated from a high hit the day before.

Those reported in hospitals were 336.  Patients in intensive care number 142.

A new group of businesses in Anaheim and across Orange County can reopen as of June 19.
  • Nail salons
  • Facial and skin care providers
  • Hair removal services
  • Therapeutic massage
  • Tattoo parlors
Guidelines for personal services can be found here.

Businesses meeting these guidelines can reopen as early as June 19, according to the Orange County Health Care Agency. 

See guidance, checklists and other information about businesses now open at Anaheim.net/reopening .

Anaheim and Orange County are now in the early phase of stage 3 of California's four-stage reopening plan.

Youth Sports 

We expect updates and guidance for youth sports in coming days.

Youth sports practices -- but not games, matches or meets -- are now allowed under California's guidance for day camps.

You can see that guidance here.

Theme Parks

We are awaiting state reopening guidance for theme parks in coming weeks.

Disney announced plans on June 10 to reopen Anaheim's theme parks in July. Read the full update on Anaheim's entertainment venues in the "Entertainment, Sports" section at Anaheim.net/coronavirus.

Not Opening Yet

Banquet gatherings, night clubs, concerts, live theater and similar gatherings are not allowed in stage 3 at this time.

Orange County is among several counties that have received a variance from the state to reopen at a quicker pace.

Orange County received approval by the state for a variance in May. The county issued an updated public health order on May 28 indicating that OC Health plans to allow for reopening of businesses that have guidelines provided by the state.

Anaheim is looking for businesses to reopen at their own determination, at the right time and in accordance with California's four-stage plan.

It is critical businesses that are reopening follow basic health guidelines laid out by the state. 

If Orange County sees issues with cases, breakouts and hospitalizations, we risk seeing businesses having to close again.

You can find more at Anaheim.net/reopening

Here is a summary: 
  1. Perform a risk assessment of their site and planned operations.
  2. Have a plan in place for cleaning and disinfecting, as well as providing protective gear for employees.
  3. Implement physical distancing among workers, including in break areas. 
  4. Have a specific plan for screening employees and dealing with potential cases among staff.
  5. Train employees to self-screen for Covid-19 symptoms, to stay home if they are sick and to know how to prevent the spread of coronavirus.
You can read more about the state's road map to recovery here.
Masks, face coverings

California is out with a requirement for face coverings statewide, including here in Anaheim.

The requirement is a legally enforceable health order, and not just a recommendation.

The California Department of Health's order requires the use of face coverings:
  • Inside and in line for any indoor public space
  • At any healthcare setting
  • Using public transit or rideshare
  • At workplaces in common areas
  • For any food service, packaging or distribution
  • In any room or enclosed area where you're unable to distance from those outside your own household.
  • Outside when within six feet of others
Those with special considerations are exempt:
  • Children younger than 2
  • Those with health, mental or developmental considerations
  • Those who face workplace risks from wearing a face covering
  • Medical treatments where removal is necessary
  • While eating or drinking
  • While exercising outdoors or indoors when distanced from others
  • While working outdoors when distanced
  • Those who are incarcerated
You can read full details here.

While face coverings do not completely protect against coronavirus, they are seen as a positive mitigating factor as California and Anaheim reopen.

Experts say the wearing of face coverings, in addition to social distancing, helps protect others from someone who may be sick or a carrier of coronavirus and stem the spread in the community.

Anaheim has been urging everyone to wear masks and face coverings and to understand the role they can play in stopping the spread of coronavirus.

Our city supports the statewide requirement as the most effective and consistent means to address face coverings.

Those at essential jobs should wear masks and face coverings when in common areas and when around others.

Those at restaurants, food stores and other businesses handling food should wear gloves along with masks and face coverings as much as possible.

Residents should wear masks or face coverings when going to the grocery store, pharmacy, doctors, picking up food or other outings. 

They can be worn or carried on recreational walks and used as needed if you come into contact with others.

Masks and face covers are just one part of our larger effort to prevent the spread of coronavirus and are even more important now that we are seeing more reopening of businesses.

Keep doing what you're doing:
  • Visit reopening businesses while also staying home as much as you can
  • Keep six feet from others outside your immediate household
  • Wash and sanitize hands often
  • Sanitize frequently touched surfaces such as light switches, doorknobs and car steering wheels
  • Don't touch eyes, noses, mouths and other parts of your face
  • Avoid being around anyone who is sick and stay home if you feel sick
Anaheim City Hall

As we continue our gradual, phased reopening of City Hall, the first floor of Anaheim West Tower will open to the public on Monday, June 22.

Hours will be 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

What's opening June 22
  • First floor Anaheim Public Utilities customer service office lobby
  • First floor Anaheim cashier office
Please note that there may be a high demand in the first few days we are open to the public. If your needs are not urgent, we suggest you wait a week or two for your own convenience.

What's NOT opening June 22
  • Second floor office of Anaheim Housing Authority
  • Second floor office of Anaheim Workforce Connection
  • Second floor office of the state's Employment Development Department
  • Floors two and higher, with the exception of scheduled meetings at Gordon Hoyt Conference Center
Second floor offices and reception on floors 3 through 11 will reopen to the public in coming weeks.

Visitors to City Hall and Anaheim West Tower will be required to wear face coverings. As of June 18, California now requires the wearing of face coverings in most public settings statewide.

We also ask that you maintain physical distance of at least six feet and wash/sanitize your hands often.

We thank everyone for their patience and cooperation as we work to reopen safely and responsibly.

Anaheim City Hall reopened on June 15 with in-person services on the first and second floor, including Planning, Building, Public Works and City Clerk, other than passport services.

We'll be modifying the hours on June 22 to be from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.

More in-person services will open in the coming weeks, and we'll continue to provide updates at Anaheim.net/coronavirus and on social media as we continue through this phased reopening.
More at Anaheim.net/coronavirus
City of Anaheim | (714) 765-4311 | Anaheim.net