April 2023

Andy's Updates, brought to you by our city mascot Andy Anaheim, shares news about Anaheim each month.

In this month's issue:

  • Magnolia High girls soccer wins first championship
  • Be coyote aware
  • Free garden workshop
  • See something, say something! Use Anaheim Anytime

Find more about the city of Anaheim at Anaheim.net

Big win for Magnolia High girls soccer!

Magnolia High School's varsity girls soccer team made history in February when they clinched the CIF division title over La Quinta High School in overtime!

The girls are the first to win a team CIF title in any team sport in Magnolia High’s 62 years of athletics!

We were proud to host the team at our City Council meeting on March 28.

The hard work, dedication and great coaching of the Sentinels brought home a championship.

The win was a highlight for coach Erland Jones, who has coached for 21 seasons, and his coaching staff, alum Alyssa Garcia and junior varsity and goalie coach Wilfredo Velasco. Way to make Anaheim proud!

Peak coyote season: awareness and tips

The welcome signs of spring are here.

Flowers and trees are blooming, birds are chirping and signs of renewal after a rainy winter are everywhere you look.

Something we may not be as excited to see: an increase in coyotes.

Throughout Southern California, coyotes have a year-round presence. It’s in the spring when pups are born that their activity increases as they look for more food.

This month is a good time to refresh your coyote awareness, learn their habits and what you can do to avoid unfavorable encounters.

The city has a coyote management plan in place and a webpage dedicated to increasing awareness about coyotes in our community.

We encourage everyone to report coyote sightings to help us and your neighbors be aware. Visit Anaheim.net/coyotes.

Some helpful tips:

  • Don’t feed coyotes or leave pet food and water outside.
  • When walking in your neighborhood, walk with others in daylight, carry a large stick or other defensive item and be aware of your surroundings.
  • If you encounter a coyote, do not run. Instead practice hazing by standing tall, waving your arms and yelling to scare off the coyote. Slowly back away when safe.
  • Report sightings at Anaheim.net/coyotes.

Our coyote management plan calls for increased education and for us to make smart choices when it comes to living with coyotes.

We can’t simply trap every coyote. That's reserved for aggressive cases since trapping results in euthanasia.

State law prohibits relocating coyotes because it merely clears the way for new coyotes to come in, shifts a problem elsewhere and creates conflicts over territory.

The best thing we can do is make our homes and neighborhoods uninviting to coyotes and by reinstilling in them a natural fear of people.

To learn more about our plan and other ways you can deter coyotes around your home, visit Anaheim.net/coyotes.

Garden workshop: warm season vegetables

Already craving homegrown tomatoes, beans or squash?

Now is the time to get planting!

Anaheim Public Utilities is hosting a free gardening workshop focused on warm season vegetables on Wednesday, April 19, from 10 a.m. to noon, at the Brookhurst Community Center at 2271 Crescent Ave.

UC Master Gardeners of Orange County will lead the workshop, giving you tips on choosing crops so that you can follow the first rule of gardening: plant what you and your family like to eat! Yum!

Attendees receive informational resources for sustainable landscaping, water saving devices and more. Lunch is also provided.

Click here to register for this free event.

Find water smart tips at Anaheim.net/savewater.

Graffiti, debris, or other problems? Report them through Anaheim Anytime

Anaheim Anytime is the best way to address issues in your neighborhood or around town.


It’s an easy, effective online form for reporting graffiti, public dumping, potholes and any other issues


Try it yourself at Anaheim.net/anytime.


You also can access Anaheim Anytime through the My Anaheim app available for download on your smartphone.


Every Anaheim Anytime report is promptly assigned and addressed with follow-up.


Typically, many reports are resolved within one to three days, while more complex issues can take longer.


We proactively work to address graffiti, maintenance of public areas, homelessness and many other issues in our city.


But we welcome partnership with our community to identify and address issues.


While Anaheim Anytime includes several police-related categories, it is not for emergencies or urgent matters for Anaheim Police or Anaheim Fire & Rescue.


For public safety, fire, medical or other emergencies, always call 911.


For urgent police and other matters, call dispatch at (714) 765-1900.


And you’re always welcome to call us or reach out in other ways as well.


But you’ll find Anaheim Anytime is an easy way to work with us to make Anaheim better!

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