December 2011
Summit Church eNewsletter
Angel Tree, Christmas Series, Tebow Quotes, Holiday Schedule
In This Issue
Featured Reading
Article Headline
Holiday Schedule
Merry Christmas!  angel tree logo

Merry Christmas Summit Church!


FIRST, I hope this email finds you and your family well and in great spirits this "Holy Day" season. In this email you'll find a few important announcements. First of all, Angel Tree. Organizer, Jen House says, "please let Summit know that all gifts they want me to mail or deliver for Angel Tree need to be brought to church by THIS Sunday. They may call me if they desire to deliver or mail their child's gift - I have all contact info for each child. Thank you! Jen House (720-524-6447).



Ministry Quicklinks
Invite a Friend to our Christmas Series
purpose of christmas

Second, invite a friend to our Christmas Series based on a book by Rick Warren called, The Purpose of Christmas! Share this promo from the Purpose of Christmas on YouTUBE. Share it, or copy the html code to your social network or email it to a friend. CLICK HERE. Join us THIS Sunday and Christmas Eve for the rest of this series!

View our videos on YouTube


Pastor Wayne Misquoted on TMZ
pw on tmz

Third, some of you may have seen my (Pastor Wayne's) comments about Tim Tebow quoted on various News Sites on the Internet. It all started with a misquote from TMZ saying that I was Tim Tebow's Pastor (what a vicious rumor =) (jk). TMZ made that assumption because of our relationship with Pastor Bob Tebow and our missions partnership with them in the Philippines and then TMZ misquoted and omitted some very important clarifying statements of mine. The most glaring of which was this:


TMZ: We asked Hanson if Tebow would be winning games if he wasn't such a strong believer -- and the pastor replied, "No, of course not."


What was ACTUALLY asked was:


TMZ: "Does God deserve the credit when Tim wins?"

Pastor Wayne said: "Of Course He Does. But like our old friend Reggie White used to say, 'We praise God when we win.   And we praise God when we lose. God is good all the time.'" (TMZ of course left that last part out).


We just thought you'd like to know the truth in case it comes up. Pastor Wayne has been inundated with media requests from all over the country, but at the request of Pastor Bob, he has turned nearly all of them down at this time. The only information we are releasing at this point are to trusted media sources and Christian organizations.   We appreciate your prayers as our ministry and pastor have been thrust onto the national stage when it comes to Tim Tebow and his faith. Of course we are so very proud of what Tim Tebow has been able to accomplish during his first games as a starting quarterback for the Denver Broncos and for the glory of Jesus Christ, but to clarify...Tim does not attend Summit Church, Pastor Wayne is NOT Tim's Pastor...Tim is just a little too busy on Sundays doing the Lords work in his own way.


Holiday Schedule - Christmas Eve / New Years Sunday

Fourth, Our Holiday Schedule. Don't forget, our Christmas Eve Service will be held at 5:30p at Castle View High School Auditorium (Saturday, Christmas Eve) and 10:30a on Sunday, New Years Day, we'll be doing our Points of Passion Missions Sunday focusing on the Philippines (upcoming trip with the Tebow Family: June 30th-Aug 5th, with 2 week, 3 week and 5 week trips planned: $3,300, $3,900 and $5,100 respectively (approximate costs: includes airfare and nearly all expenses, except a $25 airport exit fee). Visit Bob Tebow's website  for more detailed information. On New Years Sunday, we'll celebrate what the Tebows are doing for the Phillipines, for the Sanctity of Human Life, and for the national dialog that Tim Tebow has sparked about his faith. Plus, we'll challenge you to local and global evangelism in 2012. As we get ready for 21-Days of Prayer and fasting in January (1st-21st or 8th-29th), we'll be crying out for the salvation of millions of souls during God's Last Days Harvest! May all God's Rich Blessings and Love rest with you and your Family during this Holiday Season.


Love in Christ,


Pastor Wayne and Kim and Hanson 



Upcoming Events
Sundays at 10:30a at Castle View High School Auditorium, 5254 North Meadows Drive, Castle Rock, CO  80109

SATURDAY, DEC 24TH 5:30p at Castle View High School

NEW YEARS SUNDAY - 10:30a  Points of Passion Sunday for the Philippines. 
Summit Church: Spirit-Led, Bible-Based and World Focused!
Discover the Purpose of Christmas this Holiday Season, Connect with a Church Family and find INSPIRATION!
Contact Info
LEAD PASTOR, Summit Church. 
Wayne Hanson
Fresh Batch of BBQ Sauce!
This Christmas season, pick up a bottle of BBQ Sauce for you and your family. BBQ is a heartfelt invention of the true WEST; made with 29 ingredients and slow-cooked over an open flame.  Try our sauce at your next BBQ.  ITs great on Beef, Pork and even chicken!  Then, when you get the chance, lick your fingers off & mosey on over to to meet our founder and creator.  A portion of all sales go to World Missions.
Offer Expires: Jan 15, 2012