A Special MCC Screening of

Angels & Saints - Eros & Awe

A film about wholeness and uniting body & spirit

Individuals, congregations and organizations will be able to view the film at their convenience from

14 February - 19 February, 2024

There will be two live, interactive Q&A and Panel Discussion with the Producer, Director, and MCC members on Saturday, 17 February 2024.

Lifedream Films LLC, Melody Vision, and MCC are pleased to offer a special screening of the film Angels & Saints: Eros & Awe.

You must register in advance to view the film. Congregations are encouraged to gather in-person to watch and discuss the film.

All are invited to attend the live, interactive Q&A and Panel Discussion.

Clergy can use this event as 2 CEU.

North American LEAD can use this event as an elective course.

Register Here
Click to Watch a 60 Second Video

Registrants will receive an email on Tuesday, 13 February with link and password to view the film and link to join the live Panel Discussion.

While “Angels & Saints — Eros & Awe” may seem to be a film about gender identity and sexuality -- and it is — it is more essentially about psychological, emotional, and spiritual wholeness, namely, the sacred and sensual connection of our bodies and the natural world that western religion has historically demonized and maligned. It is a film about people whom we call our “Angels and Saints” or our “modern messengers”, who have found a path to being their whole selves in body, mind, and spirit. 

Register Here
Click to Watch a 60 Second Video

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Whether identifying as heterosexual, nonbinary, gay, lesbian, trans or “OtherWise”, our modern messengers share with us their creative, grounded lives, their wisdom and their many ways of healing this brokenness, as well as how they have moved beyond the constraining, stereotypic “boxes” in which society has placed most people.

A recurring theme in this process of integration and wholeness is the restorative role of the arts, including dance, music, poetry and a love of nature—all of which find a richly expressive place in the film.


will be available between the hours of

Wednesday, 14 February, 12:00 am ET / 5:00 am GMT through

Monday, 19 February, 12:00 am ET / 5:00 am GMT

Two 60 minute live Panel Discussions will be held

Saturday, 17 February

11:00 am ET / 10:00 am CT / 8:00 am PT / 1:00 pm BRT / 6:00 pm SAST / Midnight PHST / 4:00 pm GMT /

3:00 am next day AUS

Saturday, 17 February

8:00 pm ET / 7:00 pm CT / 5:00 pm PT / 10:00 pm BRT/ Sunday, 18 February 3:00 am SAST / 9:00 am PHST /

1:00 am GMT / 12:00 pm AUS

Register Here
Click to Watch a 60 Second Video

Registrants will receive an email on Tuesday, 13 February with link and password to view the film and link to join the live Panel Discussion.

Clergy can use this event as 2 CEU.

North American LEAD can use this event as an elective course.

Vic Compher - Director/Producer • Rodney Whittenberg - Producer/Composer/Editor

Rev. Edie Weinstein - Promotion

Angels and Saints-Eros and Awe Website

Questions: AngelsAndSaints@MCCchurch.net


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