Solutions in Your Community
Anne Arundel County UME Newsletter
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February 2022
Dear Friends and Clients,
We seem to still be in the phase of "the weather outside is frightful" on this cold, rainy day but I know it is only Mother Nature playing games with us. As the weather takes a more seasonal turn towards spring and summer may we all be more appreciative of the new season and new hope. As the days grow longer each day, they bring with them the eternal hope of new growth and life and perhaps, a welcome goodbye to 2021. This has been a difficult year with Covid reappearing and disappearing and now potentially reappearing again in a new form. We are also adjusting to the idea that our peaceful world may be disrupted again by political anger and strife.
I try to remember that I can always have some impact, albeit it very small, by trying to appreciate and share the world within my vision with those around me. Remember that as difficult as our lives may be, there are many others who are in much more dire straits who need and would appreciate our help.
Wishing you and your families a peaceful and productive spring season.
Best regards,
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Karol Westelinck Dyson
Area Extension Director
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We're still in business, but with some differences!! | |
For well over 100 years, University of Maryland Extension has fulfilled its mission of delivering science-based education to Maryland citizens and communities.
Our office resumed normal operations on Monday, July 19, 2021 and we welcome all clientele and stakeholders.
We understand that some people are still very cautious and we are always committed to meeting the needs of our clientele and stakeholders to ensure that you have the information and assistance you need to protect your families, farms, and communities.
- Call or email us: We will continue to answer your questions and provide the resources you need.
- Field visits: We will continue to conduct on-site field visits for diagnosis of production issues.
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Crop Sustainability & IPM Workshop
March 8, 2022
6:00-9:00 PM
Anne Arundel UME / ZOOM
Office closures:
April 15: Good Friday
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For 15 years, the Four Rivers Heritage Area of Anne Arundel County has been celebrating Maryland's birthday weekend by telling the diverse stories of the history and cultures in Annapolis and Anne Arundel County. Family friendly events will take place at over 20 Anne Arundel County locations during the weekend of March 25-27, 2022. This article will highlight the efforts of University of Maryland Master Gardener volunteers at three of these sites. Spring’s arrival offers a great opportunity to explore our county’s cultural resources and learn about Master Gardener’s significant community impact. | |
The Chase Lloyd House located at 22 Maryland Avenue in Annapolis features lovely gardens that contain ornamental, native and vegetable plantings. Visitors learn how native plants and vegetables can blend into an established landscape creating biodiversity and supporting sustainable horticultural Bay-Wise practices, such as conserving water, composting and creating habitats for wildlife. There is a garden composting information station and self-guided tour of the garden. Master Gardeners are available to answer questions. Visit the gardens on Friday and Saturday, March 25 & 26, from 10 am – 4 pm.
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Consider a visit to Hancock’s Resolution Historic Farm Park located at 2795 Bayside Beach Road in Pasadena on Saturday, March 26, from 10:00 am - 4:00 pm or on Sunday, March 27 from 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm. Visit the 1785 stone farmhouse, outbuildings, graveyard and grounds. The newly constructed barn/visitor center will be open with displays and artifacts related to Anne Arundel County’s truck farming past. Master Gardener volunteers tend the kitchen and dooryard gardens, which contain plants for food preparation, medicinal use, clothing dyes, and other household uses. In addition, there will be a virtual panel discussion on European and African American Truck Farmers and Picker’s Checks held on Friday, March 25, 6:30 - 8:30 pm. Register:
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Finally, Linthicum Walks located at 2295 Davidsonville Road in Gambrills will offer tours of the historic farm home and property, including the home’s interior, arboretum, and family cemetery. Master Gardeners tend the gardens and provide environmental education through signage, tours and events. The goal of the project is to demonstrate sustainable gardening practices, the importance of pollinators, and the ecological importance of native plants.
To find out more about these and other Master Gardener Projects, visit or contact Interim Master Gardener Coordinator Nancy Allred at or call 410-222-3900.
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The University of Maryland Extension will host Good Morning, Farmer! an online gathering place where farmers can discuss topics of interest, learn from experts and provide support through community fellowship.
GMF Winter/Spring Sessions 8:00-9:00 a.m. in ZOOM:
- March 16, 2022 – GMO Agriculture: Where are we going?
- April 13, 2022 – IPM: How to make it work on your farm?
More sessions are being planned, stay tuned!
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Join Anne Arundel County 4-H | |
Did you visit the Anne Arundel County Fair this year? Did you wonder what in the world 4-H is all about? Do you have children between 8 and 18 or know someone who does? If so, it's easy to learn more! Visit our website or email the the Anne Arundel County 4-H office at"4-H makes the best better!"
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Become an Anne Arundel County Master Gardener | |
Interested in becoming a Master Gardener? Master Gardeners are a group of gardening enthusiasts who are passionate about gardening, education, and volunteering in their community. The curriculum is presented by University of Maryland Extension faculty and trained Master Gardeners.
Click here for more information.
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Our Agronomy Experts are Here to Help | |
When our offices are closed, we are still working to provide assistance.
- Call or email us: We continue to answer questions and conduct field research to deliver the resources you need.
- Field visits: If needed and following social distancing protocol, we continue to conduct on-site field visits for diagnosis of production issues.
Online Resources: We are expanding online learning available at the websites below. Find online pesticide and nutrient voucher recertification here: Upcoming programs
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Healthy Eating - Veggie Quesadillas | |
1 zucchini, washed and chopped
½ broccoli head, washed and chopped
1 green bell pepper, washed, seeded, and chopped
1 small onion, peeled and chopped
1 carrot, washed and shredded
4 whole wheat or corn tortillas
1 cup low-fat cheddar cheese, shredded
½ cup salsa
Cooking oil spray
Spray pan with cooking oil spray. Cook vegetables on medium heat for 4-5 minutes, stirring often. Remove vegetables from pan. Place one tortilla in the pan. Sprinkle with half of the vegetables and half of the cheese. Place the other tortilla on top. Cook on medium heat for 4-6 minutes or until the cheese starts to melt and the bottom tortilla starts to brown. Flip quesadilla. Cook for 4 minutes more and remove from pan. Repeat steps 3-5 for the other quesadilla. Cut each quesadilla in half. Serve with salsa.
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Agriculture & Natural Resources
Dave Myers, Principal Agent or 410-222-3906
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Nutrient Management
Catherine Oberfield, Nutrient Management Advisor or 410-222-3906
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Master Gardener Program
Nancy Allred, Interim Master Gardener Coordinator or 410-222-3906
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Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP-Ed)
LaTasha Coleman, Principal Agent Associate or 410-222-3903
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