My plan is to continue writing plans until 8/31/23, when funding ends:
Though I am relatively new to plan writing, I hope to continue assisting the farmers in the community with their Nutrient Management Plans (NMP). I truly believe in how NMPs help reduce unnecessary nutrient runoff into the bay while also increasing profit margins by
optimizing nutrient usage. However, because MDA is no longer funding advisor’s salaries I will have to charge a fee. This is a brand-new market and the rate is uncertain right now, but I assure you that I will charge a fair and reasonable rate. Please let me know if you’d like me to assist you in the future, and I can save your digital files for you.
The future is unclear as of right now, but there will be four UMD Nutrient Management
Specialists to assist with education, research, and NMPs for farms smaller than 10 acres. If you are interested in obtaining nutrient management training and certification to write your own plans, please fill out this Certification Interest Form. I am unsure of the exact capacity and capability in which the NM Specialists will be of assistance to smaller farmers.
According to the MDA, farmers are supposed to keep up to 5 most recent years of their
NMP. Either digitally or physically. I have many physical files and older NMPs in my office,
meeting this requirement for farmers. If you would like to pick up any physical files, please let me know and come into the office. If the physical files are not picked up by mid-July, they will most likely be shredded.
If you have updated your plan this year, that is great! I hope to hear from you before your
next plan is due. If your plan has expired, I would recommend taking this time to get a free plan before my time is over. If I am currently working on your plan now, please send me any
necessary documents (soil tests, etc.) ASAP so I can finish your plan.
If you have any questions or concerns about these uncertain times, there will be two listening sessions in regards to the changes in Nutrient Management Planning hosted by the MDA.
Mid Shore Maryland Nutrient Management Summit
Thursday, July 13, 2023 5 pm - 7 pm
Talbot County Community Center
10028 Ocean Gateway Easton, MD 21601
Nutrient Management Summit
Anne Arundel Community College Pascal Center for
Monday, July 17, 2023 9-12 pm
Performing Arts Professor Kauffman Theatre
101 College Parkway Arnold, MD 21012