Solutions in Your Community

Anne Arundel County UME Newsletter

October 2022

Congratulations and many thanks to the volunteers, staff and Extension supporters for all of your assistance on the afternoon of October 14th at the Family Fall Harvest Festival & Open House held at the Anne Arundel County Extension office and the Urban Farming Research Clinic.

Visitors participated in a variety of activities ranging from picking pumpkins and corn at the Urban Farming Research Clinic to learning about Extension programs at the Anne Arundel County Extension office.

We appreciate the many people who helped and hope you will be back next year to help us make this event bigger and better.

Karol W. Dyson

Area Extension Director

Mark Your Calendar!

Crop Sustainability & IPM Workshop

December 15, 2022

6:00-9:00 PM

Anne Arundel UME

Click here to register.

Office closures:

November 8 - Election Day

November 11- Veteran's Day

November 24-25 - Thanksgiving Holiday

December 26 - Christmas Day (observed)

January 2 - New Year's Day (observed)

4-H Happenings

Joy Sim, Extension Program Assistant

4-H Youth Development

Anne Arundel County Fair Highlights

Congratulations to all our 4-Her's on their involvement at the fair! It was so wonderful to see so many more smiling faces in attendance this year! Our indoor exhibit area was overflowing with incredible projects and our contest areas were filled with contestants! We were especially pleased with our Clover Entries (young 4-Her's age 5-7) and look forward to seeing their creations next year!


In the Barn areas were spectacular showing of all livestock projects. The animals stayed through the Fair with help from our 4-H'ers/FFA members and their families to ensure proper care of livestock and cleanliness of the barn area. Saturday night was full of energy at the annual 4-H/FFA Auction! Thank you to all the volunteers that made this possible! We couldn’t have done it without you!

Newly Inducted 4-H All Stars

Four new members from Anne Arundel County were inducted into the Maryland 4-H All Stars during a ceremony held at the 4-H All Stars Annual Conference on June 18th at the Howard County Fairgrounds. Anne Arundel County would like to Congratulate Delia Fishburne, Marina Karides, Deana Tice and Olivia Velthuis on this achievement.


The 4-H All Stars is an honor/service organization created to recognize those 4-H members, volunteers, and associates who have demonstrated outstanding service, character, and leadership. Membership is the highest recognition that a 4-H member or volunteer can achieve. Members are selected through a nomination process each year and must be nominated by their county 4-H All Stars. The 4-H All Stars’ goal is to contribute to positive youth development through service to the 4-H program of which they are a part of. For more information about the AAC All Stars, please see their page on the AAC 4-H website.

Anne Arundel County UME

Family Fall Harvest Festival & Open House

The Family Fall Harvest Festival & Open House on October 14th was big success! Visitors learned about various Extension programs, toured the Village Garden and picked pumpkins and corn at the Urban Farming Research Clinic! Here are some of the highlights from the event.

Family & Consumer Sciences Program Offerings

RePollinate Anne Arundel

RePollinate Anne Arundel had a successful launch in 2022 thanks to the efforts of University of Maryland Extension Master Gardeners and Anne Arundel County Watershed Stewards Academy. Volunteers from both groups assisted in propagating and growing-out these valuable and difficult to obtain native plants.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service/U.S. Geological Survey, Native Bee Inventory and Monitoring Lab, Native Plant Nursery provided access and expertise; along with plant materials, hoop houses and irrigated pens to enable the growing of these straight species herbaceous perennials.

Click here to learn more.

Healthy Eating - Spaghetti Squash with

Tomatoes, Basil and Parmesan

1 spaghetti squash, washed, about 1½ pounds

1 Tablespoon vegetable oil

½ cup fresh basil, washed and chopped or 2 teaspoons dried

¼ teaspoon dried oregano

3 Tablespoons Parmesan cheese, shredded

1 cup cherry tomatoes, washed and quartered

Salt and pepper to taste

Place the 2 squash halves, cut side down, in glass baking dish. Add ¼ cup water and cover with plastic wrap. Microwave on high 12 minutes or until soft when pressed. Let stand covered 3 minutes. In large bowl, whisk oil, basil, oregano and 2 Tablespoons Parmesan cheese. Stir in tomatoes and season lightly with salt and pepper to taste. Scrape squash out with a fork, add strands to tomato mixture and toss until combined. Sprinkle with remaining 1 Tablespoon Parmesan cheese.


Join Anne Arundel County 4-H

Did you visit the Anne Arundel County Fair this year? Did you wonder what in the world 4-H is all about? Do you have children between 8 and 18 or know someone who does? If so, it's easy to learn more! Visit our website or email the the Anne Arundel County 4-H office at"4-H makes the best better!"

Become an Anne Arundel County Master Gardener

Interested in becoming a Master Gardener? Master Gardeners are a group of gardening enthusiasts who are passionate about gardening, education, and volunteering in their ommunity. The curriculum is presented by University of Maryland Extension faculty and trained Master Gardeners.

Click here for more information.

Area Extension Director

Karol Dyson, AED or 410-222-3900

Agriculture & Natural Resources

Dave Myers, Principal Agent or 410-222-3906

Nutrient Management

Nutrient Management Advisor


Master Gardener Program

Master Gardener Coordinator


4-H Youth Development

Gretchen Sumbrum, Agent or 410-222-3900

Family and Consumer Sciences

Dhruti Patel, Agent or 410-222-3900

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP-Ed)

LaTasha Coleman, Principal Agent Associate or 410-222-3903

University of Maryland Extension

Anne Arundel County Office

97 Dairy Lane, Gambrills, MD 21054
