February 2023
Hello again.
It is with a sense of happiness and sadness that I am writing this letter. Some of you may know, but certainly not all, that this is my last official day as an employee of UMExtension. I am retiring after 30 plus years as a UMD Extension faculty member, wearing several different hats through the years.
My career began in Hartford, CT as a 4-H Agent which led me to Prince George's County as a 4-H Educator and then County Extension Director until 1987 when I resigned in order to stay home with my family. For about 10 years I had a variety of part-time jobs including working for a vet, teaching riding and substitute teaching. I never expected to return to Extension, but Sandra Womack, CED in Charles County, had a different plan. Somehow, I ended up as an FCS employee, managing a CYFAR grant for single mothers predominantly. The rest is history. I returned to the 4-H world in Charles and again became the CED several years later. When UME moved to the AED model, I applied and was offered the Capital Cluster position. It has been a fun, exciting AND challenging job for the past decade. I have worked with wonderful people in both counties, not only faculty and staff but county government officials, stakeholders and youth.
The past 3 years have presented some unique challenges to me but I continued trying to manage all my responsibilities until my personal health became a major impediment. I also lost several very close family members during this time, including my husband, Tim, who I met through Extension, and my father in law, George Dyson.
I want to especially thank the faculty and staff in both counties for their support during this time. I also want to share that Dave Myers, Extension Ag Educator, will be the Acting Director until a Search Committee completes it's work.
I wish the very best for all of you in Anne Arundel County. This is a county blessed with incomparable natural resources, most importantly the people and will achieve wonderful things in the future.