Solutions in Your Community

Anne Arundel County UME Newsletter

February 2023

Hello again.

It is with a sense of happiness and sadness that I am writing this letter. Some of you may know, but certainly not all, that this is my last official day as an employee of UMExtension. I am retiring after 30 plus years as a UMD Extension faculty member, wearing several different hats through the years.

My career began in Hartford, CT as a 4-H Agent which led me to Prince George's County as a 4-H Educator and then County Extension Director until 1987 when I resigned in order to stay home with my family. For about 10 years I had a variety of part-time jobs including working for a vet, teaching riding and substitute teaching. I never expected to return to Extension, but Sandra Womack, CED in Charles County, had a different plan. Somehow, I ended up as an FCS employee, managing a CYFAR grant for single mothers predominantly. The rest is history. I returned to the 4-H world in Charles and again became the CED several years later. When UME moved to the AED model, I applied and was offered the Capital Cluster position. It has been a fun, exciting AND challenging job for the past decade. I have worked with wonderful people in both counties, not only faculty and staff but county government officials, stakeholders and youth.

The past 3 years have presented some unique challenges to me but I continued trying to manage all my responsibilities until my personal health became a major impediment. I also lost several very close family members during this time, including my husband, Tim, who I met through Extension, and my father in law, George Dyson.

I want to especially thank the faculty and staff in both counties for their support during this time. I also want to share that Dave Myers, Extension Ag Educator, will be the Acting Director until a Search Committee completes it's work. 

I wish the very best for all of you in Anne Arundel County. This is a county blessed with incomparable natural resources, most importantly the people and will achieve wonderful things in the future.

Karol W. Dyson

Area Extension Director

Mark Your Calendar!

Crop Sustainability & IPM Workshop

March 7, 2023

6:00-9:00 PM

Anne Arundel County Extension Office

Click here to register.

Office closures:

April 7: Good Friday

May 29: Memorial Day

4-H Happenings

Gretchen Sumbrum, Agent

4-H Youth Development

Calling all adults looking for a wonderful opportunity!

Come and share your hobby/ interest with youth! Introduce them to something new!

4-H programs provide meaningful opportunities for youth and adults to learn, grow, and work together. Utilizing hands-on learning, youth build confidence, creativity and curiosity, as well as build life skills such as communication and decision making, to help them thrive today and into the future. You can be part of this by volunteering just a few hours of your time.

There are so many ways to volunteer with various commitment levels. Some options include being a guest presenter at a club meeting, facilitating a one-time workshop, judging a contest, helping at the County Fair, and so much more. Reach out to our office for more information.  

Maryland 4-H ACTS (Annapolis-Civics-Thriving-Service)

On February 20th a group of over 130 4-H youth and families from across Maryland gathered in Annapolis for our first ever MD 4-H ACTS. The event provided an opportunity for youth to travel to the state capitol, learn about civics, engage with legislators, and tell their 4-H stories. ACTS also celebrated and inspired youth to be engaged in civics and service. The program included a Morning Assembly with prominent leaders as guest speakers, a scavenger hunt, touring of the State Capitol, and a Showcase where 4-H’ers shared their interests and accomplishments.  

Youth responses to “What did you like most (about the event)?”

“Speaking on the senate floor thanks to my senator I met with”,  “Getting to present my 4-H project to legislators and asking them to support 4-H and heritage breeds”, and “Our favorite part was meeting with our Delegates and Senator. We gave our prepared speeches and received such warm and positive feedback on our thoughts and concerns.”

Online Recertification Training

If you would like the opportunity to learn from home, yet still be engaged, then be sure to enroll in one of our online recertification trainings.


These ZOOM recertification trainings will be live via the internet directly from the University of Maryland. ZOOM is a student interactive system that will document your attendance. To participate in a live ZOOM session, a high speed cable or satellite internet connection is required.


Online Private Pesticide Applicator Recertification

April 4, 2023

6:00- 8:00 PM


The session will focus on pesticide use and related topics for all field crops, fruits and vegetables. Private Pesticide Applicator Recertification credit will be awarded for full 2-hour session participation. Registration by April 3rd is required in order to receive ZOOM login instructions.


Online Nutrient Applicator Voucher Recertification

April 11, 2022

6:00-8:00 PM


This session will focus on fertility and production related topics for all field crops, fruits and vegetables. Nutrient Applicator Voucher Recertification credit will be awarded for full 2-hour session participation. Registration by April 10th is required in order to receive ZOOM login instructions.


For more information or to register please visit

Healthy Eating - Spicy Apple Filled Squash

1 acorn squash, washed

1 apple, washed, cored and chopped

2 teaspoons reduced-fat margarine, melted

2 teaspoons brown sugar

¼ teaspoon cinnamon

Dash of nutmeg (optional)

Dash of ground cloves (optional)

Cooking oil spray

Heat oven to 350 degrees F. Spray a 1-quart baking dish. Cut squash in half and remove seeds with a spoon.  Place squash, skin side up, in dish and cover with foil.  Bake for 30 minutes. In a medium bowl, add apple, margarine, brown sugar, and spices. Remove squash from oven. Flip squash over and fill with apple mixture. Re-cover squash with foil and bake 30 minutes more. Then cut squash in quarters and serve.


Join Anne Arundel County 4-H

Did you visit the Anne Arundel County Fair this year? Did you wonder what in the world 4-H is all about? Do you have children between 8 and 18 or know someone who does? If so, it's easy to learn more! Visit our website or email the the Anne Arundel County 4-H office at"4-H makes the best better!"

Become an Anne Arundel County Master Gardener

Interested in becoming a Master Gardener? Master Gardeners are a group of gardening enthusiasts who are passionate about gardening, education, and volunteering in their community. The curriculum is presented by University of Maryland Extension faculty and trained Master Gardeners.

Click here for more information.

Area Extension Director

Karol Dyson, AED or 410-222-3900

Agriculture & Natural Resources

Dave Myers, Principal Agent or 410-222-3906

Nutrient Management

Nutrient Management Advisor


Master Gardener Program

Master Gardener Coordinator


4-H Youth Development

Gretchen Sumbrum, Agent or 410-222-3900

Family and Consumer Sciences

Dhruti Patel, Senior Agent or 410-222-3903

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP-Ed)

LaTasha Coleman, Principal Agent Associate or 410-222-3903

University of Maryland Extension

Anne Arundel County Office

97 Dairy Lane, Gambrills, MD 21054
