January 13:
Good Morning Farmer - Financial Management
January 18: MLK Birthday Office closed
January 20: Good Morning Farmer - Nutirtion
January 27: Good Morning Farmer - Consumer Misinformation
February 3: Good Morning Farmer - Marketing Your Farm
February 9: Crops Sustainability & IPM Workshop
February 10: Good Morning Farmer - Public Perception of Farmers
February 15: President's Day Office closed
February 17: Good Morning Farmer - Winter Blues
February 24: Good Morning Farmer - Access Land & Resources |
December 2020
Dear Friends and clients,
Our Extension faculty and staff are pleased to wish you a very Happy New Year with the special wish that we never have to repeat this year that has just closed! We appreciate the difficulties that many of you have faced recently and admire your fortitude and personal strength in dealing with many of the situations that have confronted you. We will continue to offer programs and meetings virtually with occasional face to face events that need a more intense delivery mode. We are also pleased to set up a personal appointment with you if needed. We will continue to promote programs that are being offered throughout the state or even multi state areas as needed. I would also like to say a special thank you to our Master Gardener and 4-H volunteers who have maintained a positive outlook and have been using creative approaches to offer educational opportunities to youth and community members during this difficult time. The best way to continue to reach us will be through our individual emails that are available on our web site - extension.umd.edu/anne-arundel-county.
Wishing you all the best in the new year.
Karol Westelinck Dyson
Capital Area Extension Director
We're still in business, but with some differences!!
For well over 100 years, University of Maryland Extension has fulfilled its mission of delivering science-based education to Maryland citizens and communities.
While our offices are closed again for the health and safety of our faculty and staff, we are always committed to meeting the needs our clientele and stakeholders to ensure that you have the information you need to protect your families, farms, and communities. 
- Call or email us: We continue to answer questions and conduct field research to deliver the resources you need.
- Field visits: If needed and following social distancing protocol, we continue to conduct on-site field visits for diagnosis of production issues.
- Access University of Maryland Extension Online Resources at:https://extension.umd.edu.
Move More Together!
LaTasha Coleman, Principal Agent Associate
Project Leader/Nutrition Educator
Moving your body offers many benefits, including weight management, increasing energy, relieving stress, reducing tension, and improving blood circulation. COVID-19 has had many effects on our everyday life, but there are many ways to remain physically active and stay safe, here are a few family friendly ideas:
- Stretching Together- Try following a yoga video in the comfort of your home for 20 minutes. Try this yoga video with your child: https://video.link/w/mCdZ
- Have a Dance Party- Invite each family member to choose a song and have a dance challenge. Who has the best moves?
- Play Family Snowball Toss- Everyone picks teams. Using balled up socks to create snowballs. Stack plastic cups for "snowmen". How many "snowmen" can you knock down
- Bundle Up and Take a Hike! Grab a coat, gloves, and scarf; take a 20-30-minute to walk outside. Play "follow the leader" or "I spy" with the family, while you walk! *Want a challenge? Visit https://www.52hikechallenge.com and take a pledge to take one hike a week for a year!
For more tips on how to Move More Together, visit the American Heart Association:
The FY 2020 University of Maryland Agriculture
Nutrient Management Report is Here!
Kayla Griffith, Nutrient Management Advisor
The University of Maryland Extension is here to assist farmers with their nutrient management planning needs. Each year the AGNR Ag. Nutrient Management Program compiles a report of yearly program activities include acres planned, education and outreach, and relevant figures. You can view a copy of that report here: https://go.umd.edu/SPJ
For farmers who gross over $2500 in agricultural sales or have over 8000 lbs of livestock, Maryland state legislation requires a nutrient management plan. We are happy to develop a plan for you in our office. Please email or call Kayla Griffith at kmgriffi@umd.edu, 410-222-3900. For more information related to our program and additional resources please visit https://extension.umd.edu/anmp.
Become an Anne Arundel County Master Gardener
Interested in becoming a Master Gardener? Master Gardeners are a group of gardening enthusiasts who are passionate about gardening, education, and volunteering in their community. The curriculum is presented by University of Maryland Extension faculty and trained Master Gardeners. The class scheduled for this fall-winter is already full but we have started a waiting list for a spring class if we see the need. Call for more information!
Click here for more information.
Our Agronomy Experts are Here to Help
While our offices are closed we are still working to provide assistance.
- Call or email us: We continue to answer questions and conduct field research to deliver the resources you need.
- Field visits: If needed and following social distancing protocol, we continue to conduct on-site field visits for diagnosis of production issues.
- Online Resources: We are expanding online learning available at the websites below. Find online pesticide and nutrient voucher recertification here: https://go.umd.edu/iKp
We are here to help you. Contact any of your Southern Maryland Agriculture Agents:
Alan Leslie
 301-542-7612 Ben Beale 301-481-7209 Dave Myers 410-980-1768
Do you have a plant question? Pests in your house? Not happy with your lawn? The University of Maryland Home and
Garden Information Center can help. Visit their website:
Perhaps you have heard that the Anne Arundel County Fair was not held this year, along with most other county fairs. They were missed by many, but there were some virtual
activities in their place, including a livestock Sale of 4-H and FFA project animals. Special thanks to all of the Anne Arundel County residents who supported our youth through purchases of livestock projects! Hopefully next year we will be back to holding our wonderful County Fair.
Do you have children between 8 and 18 or know someone who does? If so, it's easy to learn more about 4-H! Visit our website or email the Anne Arundel County 4-H office at gsumbrum@umd.edu. "4-H makes the best better!"
AGNR Calendar of Events
***Current COVID-19 restriction requirements may alter or eliminate the in-person meeting attendance for some of the planned meetings.***
Local Extension Meetings:
December 17, 2020 - Crops Sustainability & IPM Workshop, A.A. County UME, Gambrills, MD
December 22, 2020 - Crops Sustainability & IPM Workshop - Baden Hall, Brandywine, MD
January 5, 2021 - Private Pesticide Applicator Certification Training - A.A. County UME
January 19, 2021 - Private Pesticide Applicator Certification Exam - A.A. County UME
February 9, , 2021 - Crops Sustainability & IPM Workshop - Baden Hall, Brandywine, MD
March 9, 2021 - Crops Sustainability & IPM Workshop, A.A. County UME, Gambrills, MD
April 1, 2021 - On-Line Private Pesticide Applicator Recertification
April 15, 2021 - On-Line Nutrient Management Voucher Recertification
Virtual UME Agronomy Meetings: December 1, 2020 - UME Agronomy ZOOM 4:00 - 8:30 pm December 3, 2020 - UME Agronomy ZOOM 8:00 am - Noon January 21, 2021 - UME Agronomy ZOOM 8:00 am - Noon February 17, 2021 - UME Agronomy ZOOM 4:00 - 8:30 pm February 26, 2021 - UME Agronomy ZOOM 8:00 am - Noon
Virtual UME Vegetable Meetings: December 2, 2020 - UME Vegetable ZOOM 8:00 am - Noon January 28, 2021 - UME Vegetable ZOOM 8:00 am - Noon Virtual UME Fruit Meetings: December 10, 2020 - UME Fruit ZOOM 8:00 am - Noon
February 10, 2021 - UME Fruit ZOOM 8:00 am - Noon Virtual UME Forage Meetings: January 14, 2021 - UME Forage ZOOM 8:00 am - Noon January 19, 2021 - UME Forage ZOOM 8:00 am - Noon
Agriculture & Natural Resources
Interested in agriculture? There are many agriculture resources available on our website.
Agriculture Newsletters
Agriculture Calendar of Events
For more information, please contact Dave Myers, Extension Educator, AGNR.
4-H offers plant and animal science programs for youth ages 8-18. See the 4-H website for more details. |
Healthy Eating - Applesauce Pancakes
1 1/3 cup complete pancake & waffle mix
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon table or maple syrup 1 Tablespoon packed brown sugar 1/2 cup applesauce 1 cup water 1-2 Tablespoons cooking (vegetable, olive or canola oil) Applesauce, syrup, or fresh berries for topping
Combine pancake mix, cinnamon, maple or table syrup, brown sugar, applesauce, and water. Stir just until large lumps disappear. Over-stirring will cause tough pancakes. Pour slightly less than 1/4 cup batter for each pancake onto a preheated, lightly greased pan over medium heat. When pancakes bubble around edges and towards center, flip it. Pancake is done when bottoms are golden brown. Serve with applesauce, syrup, or berries.
Anne Arundel County Extension
97 Dairy Lane
Gambrills, MD 21054
Area Extension Director Karol Dyson, AED
Agriculture & Natural Resources
Dave Myers, Principal Agent
Nutrient Management
Kayla Griffith, Nutrient Management Advisor
|  |
Master Gardener Program
Nancy Allred, Interim Master Gardener Coordinator
|  |
4-H Youth Development
Gretchen Sumbrum, Agent
Food Supplement Nutrition Education Program
LaTasha Coleman, Principal Agent Associate
Family and Consumer Sciences
Jeanette Jeffrey, Agent |  |