May 4: Ask-a-MG Plant Clinic
MG Compost Demo Quiet Waters Park
May 9: Face-to-Face 4-H Volunteer Training
May 11: Ask-a-MG Plant Clinic
May 15: MG Compost Demo Quiet Waters Park
May 18: Ask-a-MG Plant Clinic
May 19: MG Pollinator Corner Hancock's Resolution
May 25: Ask-a-MG Plant Clinic
May 27: Memorial Day Office closed
June 1: Ask-a-MG Plant Clinic
MG Compost Demo Quiet Water's Park
Pollinator Corner Down's Park
June 4: Face-to-Face 4-H Volunteer Training
June 8: Ask-a-MG Plant Clinic
June 15: Ask-a-MG Plant Clinic
June 19: MG Compost Demo Quiet Waters Park
June 23: MG Pollinator Corner Hancock's Resolution
June 29: Ask-a-MG Plant Clinic
July 4: Independence Day Office closed
July 6: Ask-a-MG Plant Clinic
MG Compost Demo Quiet Waters Park
July 10: Face-to-Face 4-H Volunteer Training
July 13: Ask-a-MG Plant Clinic
July 14: Pollinator Corner Hancock's Resolution
July 17: MG Compost Demo Quiet Waters Park
July 20: Ask-a-MG Plant Clinic
Pollinator Corner Quiet Waters Park
July 27: Ask-a-MG Plant Clinic
Pollinator Corner Quiet Waters Park
July 28 - August 2: Anne Arundel County 4-H Camp |
March-April 2019
I'm sure just about everyone is happy to see the sun more and more as spring has moved into Maryland, bringing color and new life throughout our area! UM Extension will be providing many exciting programs for youth, consumers, gardeners and farmers. Read our newsletter or like us on Face Book (University of Maryland Extension Anne Arundel County) to get up to date info. There will also be opportunities all summer long.
We are both happy and sad to report that Amanda Wahle, the AA County 4-H Educator, left her position in March to accept a position as a Specialist at the Maryland 4-H Center in College Park. She will be giving leadership to the state wide 4-H Camping and Shooting Sports programs among others. Christa Stibolt will continue to support the 4-H Program and we will be conducting a search for a new 4-H Educator later this spring.
Best wishes to everyone for a productive and meaningful spring!
Karol Westelinck Dyson
Capital Area Extension Director
Mark Your Calendar!
Ask -a-Master Gardener Plant Clinics
The Anne Arundel County Master Gardeners, University of Maryland Extension, conduct plant clinics in various locations throughout the county. Master Gardeners will be available to answ
er horticultural questions in an effort to teach sound, sustainable practices.The Plant Clinics will be held on Saturdays at various locations in the county.
for more information.
2019 Annual Strawberry Twilight Meeting
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Come and listen to University and USDA Specialists discuss current conditions and issues with Maryland strawberry production, including fungicide resistance, scheduling fungicide sprays using the Strawberry Advisory System (SAS), and weather monitoring systems to aid in spray decisions.
See and taste some of the 15 varieties in our 2018/19 annual plasticulture variety trial, which includes a few of the standard varieties, as well as a few newer, available selections.
As always, a sweet treat will be served at the conclusion of the program.
Click here for information and registration.
Spring into Action!
Jeanette Jeffrey, Healthy Living Educator
Sunny days and skies of blue...spring is upon us! Fresh air and sunshine have the healing power to refresh both mind and body. What a perfect time to stroll outside to appreciate new life in bloom and to get our bodies moving.
intensity aerobic activity per week. Broken down over 6 days (a day off for good measure) that equals 25 - 50 minutes per day. The great news is, you can break up the time over the day;
A quick 10-minute walk in the morning and another quick 15-minute walk in the evening gets you to your minimum target.
The benefits of daily movement include a lower risk of:
- all-cause mortality
- coronary heart disease
- stroke
- hypertension
- type 2 diabetes
- some cancers
- anxiety
- depression
- Alzheimer's disease and other dementias
Improvement in sleep, brain functioning and overall quality of life have also been attributed to 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity per week.
Set your goal today to put a spring in your step!
The 2019 Anne Arundel County 4-H Public Speaking and
Demonstration Contest
Christa Stibolt, Extension Program Assistant
The Anne Arundel County 4-H Public Speaking and Demonstration Contest was a great success! There were 22 competitors for this event, and the Champions will move on to the State 4-H Public Speaking Contest at the University of Maryland's Maryland Day celebration on April 27th.
Congratulations to our champions and reserve champions!
Senior Extemporaneous Speech
Champion - Joelie Garcia
Reserve Champion - George Lengenfelder
Intermediate Extemporaneous Speech
Champion - Elizabeth Karides
Reserve Champion - Max Guethler
Senior Prepared Speech
Champion - Kyle Winters
Reserve Champion - Maddie Krotine
Intermediate Prepared Speech
Champion - Evie Guethler
Reserve Champion - Lacie Hurst
Intermediate Radio Spot
Champion - Karleigh Kacelowicz
Reserve Champion - Emmy Cox-Franklin
Junior Radio Spot
Champion - Addi Kacelowicz
Everyone who presented did an outstanding job and most divisions were decided by only a couple of points or on tie-breakers. Ties were broken on the delivery scores. Excellent Prepared Speeches were also delivered by Savannah Cox, Jessica Herring, Sasha Hill, Ally Kreuz, Maura Darby, Jasmine McGuin, and Karilyn Shin. A blue ribbon Extemporaneous Speech was given by Katelyn Bullock, two really fun Radio Spots were delivered by Olivia O'Donnell and Jaslene Whitaker, and Andrew Sybert did a great Poetry Interpretation.
Thanks to the wonderful judges and room monitors who helped with the contest; Mitzi Hardy, Olivia Stibolt, Mary Thomas, Kimberly Zulauf, Jacky Lengenfelder, Joan Mauritzen, and Wendy Sites. Without the help of these dedicated 4-H Volunteers, we could not have a program like this for our 4-H youth.
Do you have a plant question? Pests in your house? Not happy
with your lawn? The University of Maryland Home and
Garden Information Center can help. Visit their website:
Spring Shortcuts to Eating Healthy
LaTasha Coleman
Project Leader/Nutrition Educator
Spring is a busy time of year for many parents. Children are enjoying the extra daylight hours and many activities begin to take time in the evenings. It can be hard to find time to make healthy meals. Don't worry -- we can help! Try these tips to make healthy meals easier this spring.
- Plan ahead. Take an hour or two to plan meals for the week. Create a grocery list from the meals that you are going to make. Visit FSNE's EatSmart website to find new recipes!

- Keep it simple. Plan meals that do not take a lot of time to make or do not need a lot of ingredients. For example, a meal can be a meat, a fruit, and a veggie. Using beans also provides protein and takes less time to prepare.
- Use shortcuts to save time. Stock up on canned and frozen vegetables that are quick and easy to prepare in a short amount of time.
- Cook once, eat twice. When you do have time to cook, try making extra food that you can eat later on in the week. For example, if the recipes makes 2 servings, double the recipe to make 4 servings and save for dinner another night. You can freeze it, too!
- Snack healthy. Place veggies like celery and carrots or fruits like grapes and orange slices in plastic baggies to take with you when you are running errands. These snacks are healthy and will help keep you full until you can eat at home instead of spending money eating fast food.
Support Global Agriculture: Learning and Service
R. David Myers, Agent
The University of Maryland (UMD) has partnered up with the Liberia International Christian College (LICC) for a brand new, global classroom experience.
They are working together to develop and implement educational programming for local farmers and agriculture leaders, and to build capacity at LICC for future generations.
Your support helps the team of undergraduate students and educators at UMD to travel to Liberia this summer, and work directly with our counterparts to deliver demand-driven activities and resources to the local community.
They have received an outpouring of support from many sources, but still need help reaching their fundraising goal of $5,000.
Sharing this fundraiser link on social media would be great - the more exposure they get, the faster they will reach their fundraising goal!
Become an Anne Arundel County Master Gardener
Interested in becoming a Master Gardener? Master Gardeners are a group of gardening enthusiasts who are passionate about gardening, education, and volunteering in their community. The curriculum is presented by University of Maryland Extension faculty and trained Master Gardeners.
Click here for more information.
Community Shred-A-Rama
The 13th Annual County Shred-A-Rama sponsored by the Anne Arundel County Police Community Relations Council will take place on Saturday, March 11, 2019 at various locations in the county.
Agriculture & Natural Resources
Interested in agriculture? There are many agriculture resources available on our website.
Agriculture Newsletters
Agriculture Calendar of Events
For more information, please contact
Dave Myers, Extension Educator, AGNR.
If you are interested in agriculture for YOUTH, please contact our office and speak with a member of the 4-H staff or email
Christa Stibolt. 4-H offers plant and animal science programs for youth ages 8-18. See the
4-H website for more details.
Did you visit the Anne Arundel County Fair this year? Did you wonder what in the world 4-H is all about? Do you have children between 8 and 18 or know someone who does? If so, it's easy to learn more! Visit our website or email the the Anne Arundel County 4-H office at "4-H makes the best better!" |
Healthy Eating - Sunshine Salad
1 bunch or 1 6-ounce bag fresh baby spinach, washed
1 head Romaine lettuce, washed and chopped
1 cup fresh berries, washed, such as blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, or raspberries
1 can Mandarin oranges, packed in 100% juice, drained
1/4 cup low-fat salad dressing
Wash fresh fruits and veggies.
In a large bowl, gently toss greens and fruit together.
Add salad dressing and toss to combine.
Note: Add cooked, diced chicken or turkey to make a fresh and fruity main dish salad.
Did you know...
In the state of Maryland during the year 2018, there were 8,747 total Identity Theft Reports. There were 3,224 Credit Card Fraud, 2,538 Other Identity Theft, 1,358 Phone or Utilities Fraud, 1,263 Employment or Tax-Related Fraud, 989 Bank Fraud, 975 Loan or Lease Fraud, and 354 Government Documents or Benefits Fraud.
Anne Arundel County Extension
97 Dairy Lane
Gambrills, MD 21054
Area Extension Director
Karol Dyson, AED
Agriculture & Natural Resources
Dave Myers, Principal Agent
Nutrient Management
Kayla Griffith, Nutrient Management Advisor
Master Gardener Program
Nancy Allred, Interim Master Gardener Coordinator
4-H Youth Development
Christa Stibolt, Faculty Extension Assistant
Food Supplement Nutrition Education Program
LaTasha Coleman, Principal Agent Associate