Solutions in Your  Community

In This Issue
July 4:
Independence Day
Office Closed

July 7:
MG Composting Demonstration

Ask-a-MG Plant Clinic

July 8:
Honeybees Up Close
Ask-a-MG Plant Clinic

July 11:
4-H Volunteer Training

July 14:
Ask-a-MG Plant Clinic

Beekeeping Demonstration

Lawn Care & MIlk Jug Gardening

July 18:
MG Composting Demonstration

July 21:
Ask-a-MG Plant Clinic

July 28:
Ask-a-MG Plant Clinic

July 29-August 3:
Anne Arundel County 4-H Camp

August 4:
MG Composting Demonstration

Ask-a-MG Plant Clinic

August 8:
Field Crops Research, Twilight, BBQ & Ice Cream Social

August 11:
Ask-a-MG Plant Clinic

Beekeeping Demonstration

August 14:
4-H Volunteer Training

August 15:
Ask-a-MG Plant Clinic

August 19:
Honeybees Up Close

August 23-Sept. 3:
Maryland State Fair

August 25:
Ask-a-MG Plant Clinic

Don't Hit That Buzz-er
June 2018

Summer has finally settled in and all the fun and energy that accompany it are here too!

There are exciting things going on in the Extension world as we roll into summer! 4-H members are getting ready to go to 4-H Camp and planning their exhibits for the upcoming Anne Arundel County Fair (September 12-16,2018).

The Southern Maryland Ag Development Commission is holding their 2nd SoMD Buy Local Celebration in our county on July 30 at Greenstreet Gardens. The below link will connect you to info for about looks like a great time! The public is welcome!

Remember that Farmers' Markets are ramping up to full speed in the coming weeks with a wide variety of foods fresh from the farm. Upcoming events also include the Annual Ice Cream Social and Farm Tour to be held at the UM Extension Research Facility on Rt. 202 (once known as the tobacco research farm). This event is on Aug. 8 and is open to the public at no cost, but pre-registration is REQUIRED. Along with Dave Myers' famous home made ice cream, you will take a wagon tour of the current research going on there to make our fresh food supply taste better and resist disease and insect damage. There are other events listed below and on our calendar to get you outside and learning about health and healthy foods! 

Wishing every one a great 4th of July!

Karol Westelinck Dyson                      
Capital Area Extension Director
Mark Your Calendar! 

Lawn Care & Milk Jug Gardening
July 14, 2018, 10 :00 AM-12:00 PM
Odenton Regional Library, Odenton, MD

Join the UMD Extension Master Gardeners for this workshop. The best time to repair your LAWN is in the Fall. We'll explain why that is & give you the information you need to properly test the soil, buy seed for your site & minimize weeds. GARDENING IN MILK JUGS is next up with tips on how to easily sow seeds in their own mini greenhouse in the Fall & store them outside during winter. 

Click here to learn more.

Crops Twilight, Barbecue & Ice Cream Social
August 8, 2018
CMREC, Upper Marlboro MD
You are invited to attend a Field Crops Research Twilight, BBQ and Ice Cream Social at the Central Maryland Research & Education Center, 2005 Largo Road, Upper Marlboro, Maryland on Thursday, August 8, 2018 from  4:00 pm to 9:00 pm. A barbecue dinner will be served at 4:00 pm followed by homemade ice cream prior to the evening tour. University of Maryland Educators and Specialists will showcase their field crop, vegetable and fruit research crops.

Click here to learn more.
UMD ROOTS Africa Premier Launch
Sends  Students to Liberia, West Africa
R. David Myers, Principal Agent, Agriculture
In the fall of 2017, a new University of Maryland student organization UMD ROOTS Africa was formed. ROOTS is a student led organization that strives to combat hunger and poverty in Africa by promoting innovative and sustainable agricultural practices, while working in partnership with local communities, farmer organizations, and colleges. ROOTS is made up of undergraduate students from varying disciplines. This diversity makes ROOTS a vibrant organization dedicated to change.
Click here to learn more.

It was serendipity that the first ROOTS student project was in Liberia, West Africa this past spring break for Liberia has deep roots in Maryland. Liberia was patriated by our Maryland ancestors freed from the bondage of slavery from 1821 to 1847, as part of the American Colonization Society Act. There is even a Maryland County in Liberia, our kinsmen. In 1847 Liberia became an independent country, the first African democracy with a constitution very similar to our own. It is, however, very unfortunate that recent Liberian civil war has left the country torn and downtrodden.

Despite having vast amounts of arable land, Liberia still imports over 70% of its food, as many people do not have access to the education or tools needed to grow, store, or transport food on a large scale. Poverty in Liberia is high, and approximately 80 percent of the population lives on less than $1.25 a day. Due to the lengthy civil war (1989-2003) which destroyed physical infrastructure as well as social infrastructure, Liberian youth make up 65% of the population. Currently, many youth do not believe that agriculture is a legitimate career path as they think it is a job for the poor and uneducated. Therefore, the agricultural sector continues to suffer and food security continues to be a huge challenge for the country. If the youth could come to know farming as an intricate science and an exciting business opportunity, things could really change in Liberia. Young people are the future of this country in a very immediate way, and that is why ROOTS is excited to be working alongside of them.
See the full UMD ROOTS Africa Sustainable Agriculture in Liberia online at: UMD Roots Liberia Report.

Learn more about UMD ROOTS Africa at AGNR:
Click here to learn more.
Click here to learn more.
Do you have a plant question? Pests in your house? Not happy  with your lawn? The University of Maryland Home and
Garden Information Center can help. Visit their website:
Walk Maryland!

Walking is the Maryland State Exercise!!  Walk MD! is a program designed to promote regular exercise for all age groups. Walking is the easiest and most inexpensive way to gain the benefits that exercising can provide you.  As a registered "walker," you have access to an online interactive map that you use to track actual steps, as well as convert other types of physical activity such as biking or gardening, into miles "walked." We want you to get all the credit you deserve for becoming more active!

Click here to learn more.
Become an Anne Arundel County Master Gardener
Interested in becoming a Master Gardener? Master Gardeners are a group of gardening enthusiasts who are passionate about gardening, education, and volunteering in their community. The curriculum is presented by University of Maryland Extension facu lty and trained Master Gardeners.

Click here for more information.
Agriculture & Natural Resources

Interested in agriculture? There are many agriculture resources available on our website.

Agriculture Newsletters

For more information, please contact Dave Myers, Extension Educator, AGNR.

If you are interested in agriculture for YOUTH, please contact our office and speak with a member of the 4-H staff or email Christa Stibolt. 4-H offers plant and animal science programs for youth ages 8-18. See the 4-H website for more details.
Did you visit the Anne Arundel County Fair this fall? Did you wonder what in the world 4-H is all about? Do you have children between 8 and 18 or know someone who does? If so, it's easy to learn more! Visit our website or email Amanda Wahle in the UMD Anne Arundel Extension Office at "4-H makes the best better!"
Healthy Eating - Crunchy Cinnamon Chips

10 whole wheat tortillas
2 tsp. cinnamon 
2 Tbsp. sugar
Cooking spray

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Cut tortillas into quarters and put on baking sheet. Combine cinnamon and sugar in small bowl and mix well. Spray tortillas with cooking spray. Sprinkle each tortilla with a pinch of cinnamon sugar mixture. Place tortillas in oven and bake for 8 to 10 minutes, until crisp. Use tortillas to dip into fruit salsa. Enjoy!

Did you know...

Annapolis, the capital of Maryland, was the country's capital when the Treaty of Paris, ending the Revolutionary War, was signed here. All four Maryland signers of the Declaration of Independence had impressive homes in Annapolis, which still stand today.

Anne Arundel County Extension
97 Dairy Lane
Gambrills, MD 21054

 Area Extension Director
 Karol Dyson, AED
Agriculture & Natural Resources
Dave Myers, Principal Agent  or 410-222-3906

Nutrient Management
Nutrient Management Advisor

Master Gardener Program
Nancy Allred, Interim Master Gardener Coordinator

4-H Youth Development
Amanda Wahle, Agent or 410-222-3900

Food Supplement Nutrition Education Program
LaTasha Coleman, Principal Agent Associate or 410-222-3903

Family and Consumer Sciences
Priscilla Graves, Agent or  301-868-9410