December 4:
Ancient Grains
Fresh Conversations
Online Session
December 18: Sugar: Sinfully Sweet? Fresh Conversations Online Session
December 25: Christmas Day Office closed
January 1: New Year's Day Office closed
January 18: MLK Birthday Office closed |
November 2020
Dear friend of Extension,
As we approach the shortest day of the year, we are happy to know that as soon as that happens, the days will start getting longer and we will be on the march towards spring and the great renewal of life that we experience in the Mid Atlantic Region. Sometimes, we may not appreciate the overwhelming and unique natural beauty that surrounds us, so please take a bit of time to feel a sense of appreciation and renewal as we enjoy this beautiful holiday time. We wish you the very happiest of New Years, with a sense of feeling refreshed and hopeful for our county, our state and our nation.
If you find this newsletter to be helpful, we would like to invite you to visit our Facebook page and/or web site on the Internet for up to date notices. Please let us know if you need more information to connect with us.
Karol Westelinck Dyson
Capital Area Extension Director
We're still in business, but with some differences!!
For well over 100 years, University of Maryland Extension has fulfilled its mission of delivering science-based education to Maryland citizens and communities.
While our offices are closed again for the health and safety of our faculty and staff, we are always committed to meeting the needs our clientele and stakeholders to ensure that you have the information you need to protect your families, farms, and communities. 
- Call or email us: We continue to answer questions and conduct field research to deliver the resources you need.
- Field visits: If needed and following social distancing protocol, we continue to conduct on-site field visits for diagnosis of production issues.
- Access University of Maryland Extension Online Resources at:
Public Health Takes Public Action
Jeanette Jeffrey, Healthy Living Educator
As we enter into the winter months the risk of infection rises. Close quarters in enclosed spaces provides the perfect conditions for person-to-person spread of disease-causing agents. COVID-19 cases across the United States, including Maryland, have spiked requiring we, the public, to take action to limit our risk of disease and the risk of transmitting the deadly virus to others. Good news is on the horizon with vaccine clinical trials showing promise, but the production and distribution of an approved vaccine is still months away. Until then, practicing proper hygiene is our best defense.
Back to the Basics
Simple in nature, proper hygiene is something learned at a young age, both at home and school. With "COVID fatigue" many of us let down our guard as the months stretched on. On a national level, Maryland's rates of infection were initially lower than many states, a testimony to the actions taken by the public to ensure safety. Lower numbers, though, led to complacency, by some, and the false belief that the risk of infection was little to none -- only to be surprised when they became ill with the coronavirus.
Time to Recommit - We can do this!
As a reminder, here are the steps we need to take to keep ourselves and other healthy:
- Wash your hands with soap and warm water for 20 seconds. The use of a hand lotion after washing will help to resist skin cracking.
- If sick, stay home. If sick from COVID-19, follow doctor's orders.
Get a flu shot. - Wear a face mask when out in public. Re-useable masks should be washed daily.
- Stay a minimum of 6 feet in distance from others.
- Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Do not wait until you're thirsty.
- Get at least 7-8 hours of sleep per night.
- Get some fresh air and sunlight, at least once a day.
- Take a walk or engage in some form of exercise daily.
- Eat balanced, nutritious meals avoiding high fat, high sugar foods.
- Limit intake of alcohol.
- Reduce or eliminate tobacco use.
- Find something each day that gives you a good belly laugh.
- Reach out to others (at a safe distance) when you are in need.
- Although physically distancing be sure to maintain social contacts.
While staying "safe at home" may feel like being "stuck at home" the time apart now will help us to get back together sooner rather than later. And what a joyous reunion that will be!
ICYMI: Poetry as a Tool in Extension Programs
On November 5, 2020, Dr. Hiram Larew, an award-winning poet, advocate, and leader in the Arts and Poetry community, and David Myers, an Ag Extension Agent at the University of Maryland Extension conducted a webinar hosted by the eXtension Foundation.
They demonstrated how poetry is being used to help attendees, and other audiences. deliver messages about an important agricultural issue, namely local and global hunger and used hunger as an example to illustrate how poetry can be used when discussing a variety of Extension topics to capture the attention of students in classrooms, workshops.
A copy of the recording is available here.
Source: Aaron Weibe, eXtension Foundation
Become an Anne Arundel County Master Gardener
Interested in becoming a Master Gardener? Master Gardeners are a group of gardening enthusiasts who are passionate about gardening, education, and volunteering in their community. The curriculum is presented by University of Maryland Extension faculty and trained Master Gardeners. The class scheduled for this fall-winter is already full but we have started a waiting list for a spring class if we see the need. Call for more information!
Click here for more information.
It's Turkey Time!
How can I tell if my turkey is done? Is my turkey gluten-free? The Butterball Turkey Talk Line® can help! From November 1st through December 24th Butterball® experts are available to answer your questions via telephone, email and online chat. Visit their website - - to learn more.
Our Agronomy Experts are Here to Help
While our offices are closed we are still working to provide assistance.
- Call or email us: We continue to answer questions and conduct field research to deliver the resources you need.
- Field visits: If needed and following social distancing protocol, we continue to conduct on-site field visits for diagnosis of production issues.
- Online Resources: We are expanding online learning available at the websites below. Find online pesticide and nutrient voucher recertification here:
We are here to help you. Contact any of your Southern Maryland Agriculture Agents:
Alan Leslie
 301-542-7612 Ben Beale 301-481-7209 Dave Myers 410-980-1768
Perhaps you have heard that the Anne Arundel County Fair was not held this year, along with most other county fairs. They were missed by many, but there were some virtual
activities in their place, including a livestock Sale of 4-H and FFA project animals. Special thanks to all of the Anne Arundel County residents who supported our youth through purchases of livestock projects! Hopefully next year we will be back to holding our wonderful County Fair.
Do you have children between 8 and 18 or know someone who does? If so, it's easy to learn more about 4-H! Visit our website or email the Anne Arundel County 4-H office at "4-H makes the best better!"
Do you have a plant question? Pests in your house? Not happy with your lawn? The University of Maryland Home and
Garden Information Center can help. Visit their website:
AGNR Calendar of Events
***Current COVID-19 restriction requirements may alter or eliminate the in-person meeting attendance for some of the planned meetings.***
Local Extension Meetings:
December 17, 2020 - Crops Sustainability & IPM Workshop, A.A. County UME, Gambrills, MD
December 22, 2020 - Crops Sustainability & IPM Workshop - Baden Hall, Brandywine, MD
January 5, 2021 - Private Pesticide Applicator Certification Training - A.A. County UME
January 19, 2021 - Private Pesticide Applicator Certification Exam - A.A. County UME
February 9, , 2021 - Crops Sustainability & IPM Workshop - Baden Hall, Brandywine, MD
March 9, 2021 - Crops Sustainability & IPM Workshop, A.A. County UME, Gambrills, MD
April 1, 2021 - On-Line Private Pesticide Applicator Recertification
April 15, 2021 - On-Line Nutrient Management Voucher Recertification
Virtual UME Agronomy Meetings: December 1, 2020 - UME Agronomy ZOOM 4:00 - 8:30 pm December 3, 2020 - UME Agronomy ZOOM 8:00 am - Noon January 21, 2021 - UME Agronomy ZOOM 8:00 am - Noon February 17, 2021 - UME Agronomy ZOOM 4:00 - 8:30 pm February 26, 2021 - UME Agronomy ZOOM 8:00 am - Noon
Virtual UME Vegetable Meetings: December 2, 2020 - UME Vegetable ZOOM 8:00 am - Noon January 28, 2021 - UME Vegetable ZOOM 8:00 am - Noon Virtual UME Fruit Meetings: December 10, 2020 - UME Fruit ZOOM 8:00 am - Noon
February 10, 2021 - UME Fruit ZOOM 8:00 am - Noon Virtual UME Forage Meetings: January 14, 2021 - UME Forage ZOOM 8:00 am - Noon January 19, 2021 - UME Forage ZOOM 8:00 am - Noon
Agriculture & Natural Resources
Interested in agriculture? There are many agriculture resources available on our website.
Agriculture Newsletters
Agriculture Calendar of Events
For more information, please contact Dave Myers, Extension Educator, AGNR.
4-H offers plant and animal science programs for youth ages 8-18. See the 4-H website for more details. |
Healthy Eating - Baked Apples and Sweet Potatoes
3 apples, washed 5 sweet potatoes, washed Vegetable oil spray 1 15-ounce can of pineapple chunks, packed in 100% juice 1/3 cup brown sugar
In large pot, cook potatoes in water until tender. Drain potatoes, cool, peel, and cut into thick slices. Peel apples and slice. Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Spray a large baking dish with vegetable oil spray. Layer sweet potatoes, apples, pineapple, and brown sugar in baking pan. Cover with foil. Bake for 45 minutes.
Anne Arundel County Extension
97 Dairy Lane
Gambrills, MD 21054
Area Extension Director Karol Dyson, AED
Agriculture & Natural Resources
Dave Myers, Principal Agent
Nutrient Management
Kayla Griffith, Nutrient Management Advisor
|  |
Master Gardener Program
Nancy Allred, Interim Master Gardener Coordinator
|  |
4-H Youth Development
Gretchen Sumbrum, Agent
Food Supplement Nutrition Education Program
LaTasha Coleman, Principal Agent Associate
Family and Consumer Sciences
Jeanette Jeffrey, Agent |  |