Panther Post

October 4, 2024

Dear Sullivan Families,

It finally feels like fall now that the calendar has turned to October! We have a busy month ahead at Sullivan and are looking forward to a productive month of learning together. Our Family Game Night is next Wednesday, and the RSVP link is in this letter. Please join us for snacks and games! Picture retake day is October 11th, and parent-teacher conference signups will go out on October 18th. Our Candor Health Presentations are on October 22nd, and more information about those presentations is below. Finally, we are looking forward to our Halloween Parade and parties on October 31st!

Our schoolwide expectations are included in every edition of the newsletter, and these are continually reinforced by all staff in the building. Over the past few weeks, we have experienced challenges in following some expectations of being safe, respectful and responsible, especially in the bathroom, on the bus, and at recess. Please take a few minutes this weekend to reinforce expectations with your child to help us make Sullivan a great place for all to learn!

In this edition of the Panther Post, look for:

  • Candor Health Presentation Information
  • Halloween Guidelines
  • Game Club Session One Sign-Up
  • Sullivan Snapshots
  • Pawsitive Panthers
  • Staff Spotlights
  • PTO Information

Have a great weekend and GO BEARS!


Traci Meziere


Anne Sullivan School

Quick Links

Parent Night Presentation
4th Grade Learning Objectives
Second Step Parent Information
5th Grade Learning Objectives
Technology Guides
Anne Sullivan Website
PowerSchool Portal Instructions

We are excited to host our first Sullivan Family Game Night next Wednesday, October 9th from 5:45-6:45 PM. If you plan on attending, please click HERE or scan the QR code in the flier below to RSVP before Monday so we are sure to have enough snacks and games on hand!

Candor Health Presentations

Please read the letter below for information about our upcoming Candor Health Presentations. The link in the letter provides information about the programs for 4th and 5th-grade students.

Candor Health Letter PDF
Candor Health Opt Out Form

Halloween Guidelines

Halloween is just a couple of weeks away! We know that many kids are already talking about costumes, and this is a good time to remind our families about the Halloween costume guidelines that all D23 Elementary schools share:

  • Costumes should be brought to school. Students will have time to change after lunch, before the Halloween Parade at 1:00 P.M. on October 31st.
  • Costumes should be school-appropriate, not offensive or hurtful to others, and should not include weapons, look-alike weapons, or excessive gore.
  • Appropriate masks must be worn on heads in school and during the parade for safety reasons.

Classroom Halloween parties will be held from 1:30-2:30 PM on October 31st. Room parents will be collaborating with teachers to plan the parties. Please do not send food, candy, or any other items for your child to pass out in the classroom. In addition, no outside food items will be permitted at parties.

Game Club

Game Club Information Letter PDF
Game Club Sign Up

Gold Medal Staff Nominations

Want to recognize a D23 staff member? Last year, we had staff members hitting home runs. This year, they are winning gold! Fill out the Form (HERE) to have a staff member be recognized. I know your positive feedback means a lot to our staff. Thanks for making us #PROUD2BD23! Also, watch X and Facebook for staff gold medal winners!

Sullivan Snapshots

Sullivan students (and staff) have enjoyed Ember's visits to school this year. Our students have loved reading to her during library class!

Ms. Laboda's 5th-grade students enjoy Mystery Mondays in Core Plus this week! Students read about a real-life mystery each week with their partners and answer questions, discuss, and write about the mystery. This week, the students learned about Amelia Earhart!

Over the past weeks, all students at Sullivan listened to the book One Word for Kids and did a project with Ms. Meziere. Students chose one word that will help them have their best year ever and decorated their words. The words will be on display in the halls all year to remind us to have a great year! Here, Mrs. Veldman's class shows off their words and Mrs. Dreyer's class listens to the story.

Chorus is well underway with 65 students in our fall session. The students and Mrs. Luehr are busy getting ready for their performance at the Wolves game in November and the Winter Concert in December!

Pawsitive Panthers

Staff Spotlights

Panther Expectations

Our core expectations of being safe, respectful, and responsible are in place to ensure our Sullivan learning community is a wonderful place to grow each day. Our expectations posters are included below for you to look over. Please review these expectations with your children.

Expectations Presentation

D23 Home-School Connections


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District Information

News From Our Partners

The first PTO meeting is coming up on October 7th at 7PM at Ike! Please also see the spiritwear flier link below!

Click here for the spiritwear flier
Important Dates

October 4: Fall PTO Movie Night 6PM

October 7: PTO Meeting 7PM

October 10: Board of Education Meeting 7PM

October 11: Picture Retake Day

October 14: No School - Teacher Institute Day

October 17: Family Library Night

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