Panther Post

November 17, 2023

Dear Sullivan Families,

Each trimester, we plan a special activity to celebrate our students working to meet our schoolwide expectations of being safe, respectful, and responsible. Today our school community spent the afternoon together in the gym for our first trimester celebration. We enjoyed watching Beauty and the Beast in anticipation of the March performance of our school musical. Many of our students have never seen the 1991 Disney classic, and it was so much fun to see their reactions to the movie! Kids were definitely more excited about the musical after watching the movie this afternoon. Auditions for the musical are in December, and more information is included below.

As we celebrate this year's Thanksgiving, I would like to take a moment to express our gratitude to our families. Our staff is thankful for your support and for the strong partnership we have built together. District 23 has always been committed to providing the best education possible to our students, and we know that we could not achieve this without your trust and involvement. We hope that the upcoming holiday season brings you joy and peace, and that you are able to spend it surrounded by family and friends. Happy Thanksgiving from our Sullivan family to yours!

Please read on for information about:

  • Holiday Giving
  • Sullivan Musical Information
  • Student Recognition
  • Classroom Snapshots
  • Upcoming Parent Events


Traci Meziere


Anne Sullivan School

Quick Links

4th Grade Learning Objectives
Second Step Parent Information
5th Grade Learning Objectives
Technology Guides

Holiday Giving

Sullivan Snapshots

Ms. Hartman's class was all smiles for Kindness Day on Monday. Our Sullivan Ambassadors partnered with the Ross Ambassadors and recorded videos for our announcements, as well as planned a choice board of activities that students could complete with their classmates to spread kindness around the school.

Ms. Peterson's class made some delicious Thanksgiving treats to share with our office staff. Needless to say, they were gobbled up in an instant!

Ms. Ferber's 5th-grade students were hard at work this week in ELA centers. The students worked on creative writing independently and opinion writing in small groups, in addition to editing practice and independent reading.

Ms. Slowik's 4th-grade students were hard at work this week in math! They learned about multidigit multiplication and spent time in centers practicing and applying their skills. 

Pawsitive Panthers and Panther Paw Winners

Panther Expectations
Our core expectations of being safe, respectful, and responsible are in place whether we are learning in person or virtually. Our expectations matrix is included below for your reference. Please review these expectations with your children.
Technology Information

D23 Home-School Connections

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District News

Updates to 2023-24 Calendar

At the Board of Education Meeting last night, the following necessary changes to the current 2023-24 School Year calendar were made:

Tuesday, March 19 will now be a Day of Non-attendance for Teacher Institute Day.

Tuesday, April 2 will now be a day of attendance.

CLICK HERE to view the revised "At-A-Glance" Calendar

PTO Information

Important Dates

November 17: Report Cards available to view on Powerschool @ 10AM

November 20-24: Thanksgiving Break

December 6: Orchestra Concert @ 7PM

December 14: Board of Education Meeting @ 7PM

December 16: Chorus performs at the Chicago Wolves Game

December 18: Band and Chorus Concert @ 7PM

December 22: Winter Parties 1:15 PM

December 23-January 8: Winter Break

January 9: Classes Resume

Information from our Partners

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