Panther Post

December 22, 2023

Dear Sullivan Families,

It is hard to believe we just closed out the last school day of 2023! Our students have worked hard since Thanksgiving break, and we were excited to close out this portion of the school year with our winter parties.

We have a few parent and family engagement events coming up in January, so mark your calendars! We will host a Ross/Sullivan parent coffee before the PTO meeting on January 23rd and we will host a Family Literacy Night on January 30th at Sullivan. More details about each event will sent home after winter break.

Enjoy the next few weeks and take advantage of this time to connect with family and friends. We look forward to welcoming your kids back on January 9th!


Traci Meziere


Anne Sullivan School

Quick Links

4th Grade Learning Objectives
Second Step Parent Information
5th Grade Learning Objectives
Technology Guides

Winter Weather Reminders

As a reminder, we go outside for recess for 30 minutes daily unless it is below 10 degrees with windchill. Please make sure your child comes to school with a hat, gloves, and a warm jacket at a minimum. Boots and snow pants are necessary if students want to leave the blacktop area and play in the snow.

Sullivan Snapshots

Our Sullivan Chorus put on two amazing performances last week under the direction of Mrs. Karen Luehr and Chorus Assistant Mrs. Caffero. They wowed the crowd at the Wolves Game on December 16th, and joined the Sullivan Band under the direction of Mr. Anderson for a winter concert on the 18th. We are so proud of both our chorus and band students for their hard work and dedication to our vocal and instrumental music programs. Thank you to Mr. Anderson, Mrs. Luehr, and Mrs. Caffero for making music with our kids!

Our Sullivan Ambassadors joined Mrs. Clausen's Early Childhood class for winter-themed station activities today. Our students enjoyed being leaders and playing games with our littlest Panthers.

Winter Party Fun

Thank you to our room parents for planning our amazing winter parties! Each classroom enjoyed games, crafts, and music this afternoon. It was an amazing way for the Sullivan community to come together and celebrate the end of the first half of the school year.

Pawsitive Panthers and Panther Paw Winners

Panther Expectations
Our core expectations of being safe, respectful, and responsible are in place whether we are learning in person or virtually. Our expectations matrix is included below for your reference. Please review these expectations with your children.

D23 Home-School Connections

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Polish Storytime at the

Prospect Heights Public Library

Ukrainian Storytime at the

Prospect Heights Public Library

District News

Updates to 2023-24 Calendar

At the November Board of Education Meeting, the following necessary changes to the current 2023-24 School Year calendar were made:

Tuesday, March 19 will now be a Day of Non-attendance for Teacher Institute Day.

Tuesday, April 2 will now be a day of attendance.

CLICK HERE to view the revised "At-A-Glance" Calendar

PTO Information

Join us for the next PTO meeting on January 23rd at 7PM in the Eisenhower Library.

Important Dates

December 23-January 8: Winter Break

January 9: Classes Resume

January 11: Board of Education Meeting 7PM

January 23: Ross/Sullivan Parent Coffee 6:15 PM

January 23: PTO Meeting 7PM @ Ike

January 30: Sullivan Literacy Night 5:30-7 PM

Information from our Partners

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