My team and I have been serving the Airport West Un-Incorporated industrial area now for approximately 10 years. In those ten years I have met the most amazing, loving, hard working people in south Florida. From sculptors, to auto parts distributors, to glass manufacturers. The wealth of knowledge and wisdom I have gained from them is immense. I have sat with each one of these property owners and listened to their fascinating stories of what it was like starting from nothing, and what hard work with persistence and dedication can do. It's one of the reasons why I passionately love what I do, and why I see fit in getting involved and assisting in stopping this Annexation from happening.
It is truly sad to see that this Annexation is coming closer to becoming a reality, all because small cities simply want more tax dollars.
I am writing this email to you, the Commercial Property Owner that owns property in the Un-incorporated area, to encourage you to join me and the others to this fight. I strongly believe there is still a chance to stop this. The only way is, to join together and show up to the next hearing in large numbers that we are not going to surrender to this fight, that easy.
Below is a breif summary of the Annexation Hearing that occured this Wednesday.
The Miami-Dade County Board of County Commissioners did not vote on annexation for Miami Springs or Virginia Gardens during Wednesday’s nearly four-hour-long Chairman’s Council of Policy Meeting due to a lack of quorum.
Chairman Jose “Pepe” Diaz reshuffled the County Agenda items pushing the annexation discussion to the end of the meeting. As the meeting continued, it was clear there was a risk of losing quorum as some of the County Commissioners had left and others had expressed that they would need to leave.
Nevertheless, the meeting finally got to the issue of annexation. The first city on the list was the City of Doral. During public discussion, the Deputy City Manager for the City of Doral stated they fully support the three applications for annexation. The Deputy City Manager brought up the investments the cities will have to incur in the annexation areas and stressed that the cities should not have to pay a mitigation fee.