Dear Child Care Provider,
Today, Friday, Aug. 28, 2020, is the launch of the Licensed Facility COVID Data Collection Tool! Starting today, we are transitioning to the online Licensed Facility COVID Data Collection Tool for new cases/changes in status.
As an update to my earlier email, we ask that you do continue to notify your certification representative of exposure and/or new positive cases of COVID-19. Eventually certification representatives will be able to access your report in the system, but until then, continued communication with them is important. We'll provide an update to you when to shift to only using the Licensed Facility COVID Data Collection Tool.
Please begin to use the new process as outlined below.
There are two steps to begin using the Licensed Facility COVID Data Collection Tool:
First-Time Account Set-Up: Today, Friday, Aug. 28, 2020, please use the information contained in the Username and Password emails sent to you yesterday from PW, Unified Security inbox ( to Set-Up Your User Account. Included with the emails are instructions to setup your account and troubleshoot if you encounter issues.
Initial Tool Login and Day 1 COVID-19 Infection Reporting Data Entry: Today, Friday Aug. 28, 2020, after setting up your account, login to the Licensed Facility COVID Data Collection Tool and complete the Report new COVID infections at a Licensed Facility response form for your licensed facility(s) with current information on active cases for program participants and staff. We are asking you to report in today to confirm facility access as well as receive current state information.
As a reminder:
Username and Password Information: Yesterday you received two emails (samples here) from PW, Unified Security inbox ( The first email contained your username. The second email contained your temporary password for first-time sign. Please note, a username and password are required to login to the tool as it is a secure solution.
Updating Facility Contact/Reporter: If you will not be the reporter for your Licensed/Approved Facility and would like to chance the user associated, please send an email to and we can work to update that information and set up their credentials.
Ongoing COVID-19 Infection Reporting: Ongoing, as you are notified that staff or a program participant have tested positive for COVID-19 (including staff and program participant deaths), log on to Licensed Facility COVID Data Collection Tool to complete the Report new COVID infections at a Licensed Facility response form for that date in time. You will be able to view your past submissions at any time through the tool. Please note, we are not loading historical data into the tool for responses prior to Aug. 28, 2020. Only submissions from Day 1 going forward will be available to view.
Response Tool Training & Support: Also available is the detailed Licensed Facility COVID Data Collection User Guide and FAQs to support you in understanding how to use the new tool, answer any questions you may have, and provide troubleshooting information.
If during the transition to this new system you experience any technical difficulty, please utilize the RA account provided to troubleshoot the problem.
Please note, if you are licensed by more than one Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS) Program Office, you may receive this notification more than once though you will only receive one login to the online tool and be able to submit for all program offices and facilities.
Thank you for all your efforts.
Tracey Campanini, Deputy Secretary
Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning