The Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) Bureau of Early Learning Policy and Professional Development and Bureau of Certification Services have released Announcement C-22-06 Updated Health and Safety Pre-Service and One-Hour Training. This Announcement provides updated required Health and Safety Pre-Service Training information for new hires and to advise that all child care staff must complete any additional health and safety professional development requirements as prescribed by the Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL).
This announcement replaces the Office of Child Care (OCC) Compliance Announcements Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) effective October 4, 2022.
On February 2-5, 2021, a monitoring visit was conducted by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Administration for Children and Families (ACF), and Office of Child Care (OCC) to determine compliance with Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF). Based on the information gathered during Pennsylvania’s monitoring visit, OCC determined Pennsylvania is compliant with 28 of 34 regulations.
As part of Pennsylvania’s response to the areas of non-compliance and to maintain compliance with the Office of Child Care (OCC) federal requirements (relating to § 98.41 health and safety requirements and § 98.42 Enforcement of licensing and health and safety requirements), OCDEL, in conjunction with Better Kid Care (BKC), made modifications to the existing Health and Safety Pre-Service Training for new hires, Get Started with Center-Based Care: Building Blocks for Quality and Get Started with Home-Based Care: Building Blocks for Quality.
Additionally, OCDEL and BKC created a new one-hour course, “Pennsylvania Health and Safety Update 2022 (Versión en español: Actualización de Salud y Seguridad de Pennsylvania 2022)” to provide updated information on required health and safety topics identified by OCC during the compliance review.
Previous versions of the health and safety pre-service training expiring on October 31, 2022, for child care staff currently enrolled are as follows:
- Get Started with Center-Based Care: Building Blocks for Quality; or
Versión en español: - Comience con Cuidado Basado en el Centro de Atención: Bloques para Construir la Calidador; or
- Get Started with Home-Based Care: Building Blocks for Quality; or
Versión en español: - Comience con Cuidado Basado en el Hogar de Atención: Bloques para Construir la Calidad
For full details, please see the Announcement C-22-06 Updated Health and Safety Pre-Service and One-Hour Training.