To the faithful in the Episcopal Diocese of Western Massachusetts,
I am abundantly blessed to be your bishop. For twelve years now, we have collaborated on Jesus’ mission of mercy, compassion and hope. It is in service to that mission that I am announcing plans for my retirement and calling for the election of the tenth bishop.
Following this announcement our Standing Committee will be in contact with the Office of Pastoral Development. Bishop Todd Ousley will provide a consultant to guide you in holy discernment. The election of the next bishop will take place at our annual Diocesan Convention in November 2025. I anticipate “handing over the crozier" in March 2026.
Betsy and I are so very grateful for these years with you and for the time that remains of our mutual ministry. You have inspired us with your prayers, your pastoral care for one another, and your commitment to serving those in need. Your next bishop will be joining you in a holy place where the way of love guides relationships and shapes mission.
One of my favorite prayers is a Preface for Eucharist on All Saints Day: “For in the multitude of your saints you have surrounded us with a great cloud of witnesses, that we might rejoice in their fellowship, and run with endurance the race that is set before us; and together with them, receive the crown of glory that never fades away.”
I’m forever grateful for the saints that have gone before us in this diocese and for you, the saints of this time. We still have a lot of race to run together. The months ahead will be marked with deep prayer, joyful celebrations of God’s love, care for one another and for all God’s creation. We will tell people about Jesus, engage in prophetic witness for social justice, and “defend those who have no helper“ ⸺ a vow I made before you in my consecration as your ninth bishop. We will keep trying new things for the sake of the Gospel and I will keep saying, “Go for it.”
The Jesus Movement rolls on in Western Massachusetts. To God be the glory.