Michael J. Frailey,
Frailey Insurance and Financial Services.

Larry D. Markley,
Markley Insurance and Financial Services.

“We Protect What Matters Most!”
Together we've created FRM Group Insurance and Financial Services.

FRM Group Insurance and Financial Services is a Risk Management Company protecting you, your family and your businesses with expanded products and essential services. Our combined teams have a wealth of knowledge and will create personalized insurance programs and offer financial services solutions for retirement planning and much more.

We will continue to protect what matters most by providing you the coverage you need at the best possible price with our award-winning services for your financial planning and insurance coverage.

We'd like the opportunity to review your insurance and financial needs.
FRM Group: Supporting Events throughout Our Community
Pocono Builders Association
2022 Golf Tournament
Kinsley's ShopRite 9th Annual Golf Invitation
Pocono Irish Club
2022 Hole Sponsor
Mark your Calendar…Saturday June 25 - Wildlife for Everyone’s 7th Annual Great Outdoor Picnic – 11am – 4pm – Penn’s Cave – rain or shine.
New activities will be available for the kids in addition to the tried and true: fly casting, B B gun shooting and archery lessons, learn about PA trees in the interactive WoodMobile, build a native bee hotel or bluebird box to take home, play water BINGO, watch a K9 search and rescue demo, and more.
For Adults: purchase a ticket to enter the Super Raffle of 71 outdoor-themed prizes valued over $37,000. Prizes include, tent, kayak, corn hole set, numerous guns & bows, many gift cards and $5,000 cash grand prize. Chicken barbecue lunch and reduced admission to Penn’s Cave boat tour for ticketholders and their families. For more info, visit or call 814-238-8138.
#weprotectwhatmattersmost #thinkfraileyfirst
FRM Group Insurance and Financial Services
1286 N Ninth Street, Stroudsburg , PA 18360
445 Coal St, Lehighton, PA 18235