June 3, 2022
Inside Immanuel Weekly

"We Share God's Gift of Love with All"

Prayer of the Day

God our creator, the resurrection of your Son offers life to all the peoples of earth. By your Holy Spirit, kindle in us the fire of your love, empowering our lives for service and our tongues for praise, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen. (From Sundays and Seasons.)
Worship Times
In-person worship Sundays at 9:30am in the Immanuel Sanctuary.

Current online worship services are updated every Saturday on YouTube.

Immanuel Job Opening

We're looking for an energetic, self-motivated person to join our staff as an Audiovisual Production Coordinator. Please share this job opening with friends and neighbors who may be interested.

Updated President's Message & Informational Meeting

Read an updated message from President Scott on the pastoral call process. As he announced earlier, a Congregational Meeting is set for June 12 to approve a call for the pastoral candidate and approve the compensation package. 

The Church Council will also hold an informational meeting on June 8 at 6pm.  
The plan is for the meeting to be a hybrid meeting with the option of online or in-person attendance at the church.  Details will be sent out separately.

New Book Discussion-STARTS NEXT WEEK!

by Osheta Moore
“Dismantling Racism with Grit and Grace”

A new book discussion, facilitated by Jim Grunow, will be held Wednesdays on June 8, 15, 22, & 29 at two different times: 1:30-2:45pm or 6-7:15pm. If you are interested in reading and discussing this book, email or text Jim at jamesggrunow@gmail.com or 208-571-6309. 

Matching Grant Fundraiser
For Food Fellowship Starts June 5th

As part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America's (ELCA) ongoing response to hunger in communities, our congregation is partnering with ELCA World Hunger to raise funds for our Food Fellowship ministry.

ELCA World Hunger is kickstarting our fundraiser with a $500 grant. With your help, we can raise $500 or more to match the grant. You can start donating this Sunday and we have until June 20th to meet our goal. Every gift truly makes a difference — thank you for your support! 

Join The Worship Team:

Summer at Immanuel is a time of Opportunity - You are needed! Have you
ever walked into an event and even though you have seen some of the people before, no one said hello, smiled, or asked about you?   Was that uncomfortable?  We want everyone who walks in the doors of Immanuel to feel welcomed and wanted.

COVID-19 Exposure
At Immanuel

One of our members who attended church last Sunday tested positive for Covid-19. Those who came in close contact with the parishioner have been notified separately by email.

If you have contracted or are exposed to Covid-19, the link below from the CDC will help you make decisions on quarantining and masking.

Quilt & Comfort Ministry is in need of helpers for washing, pressing, cutting and tying the quilts. Meet Thursdays 10am-noon and come for as little or as long you like.
Hand-in-Hand Ministry needs clothing, bedding and other essential items for our Tuesday night guests. Please drop your new or gently used items off at church.
New Americans Ministry - To donate items, please call the church office at 208-344-3011. Donate money via the church website www.ilcboise.org and click on the word GIVE; then "Donate Online" and there is a New American Ministry option for your donation.
Food Fellowship Ministry - Sign up for volunteer slots to help prep, serve, and/or clean. Dinner is from 5-6pm. Volunteer times start as early as 3:30pm for prep, 4:45pm for serving/ cleaning or as late as 5:15pm for clean up. We finish around 6:30pm.
PIKnics at the Park - Protect Idaho Kids is feeding food-insecure children and their families starting June 12th for eight Sundays ending July 31, starting at noon until 1:30pm. Six volunteers are needed each week to help with serving the food, manning the food pantry and the prize table. The PIKnics are held at Ann Morrison Park by the fountain. 
To sign up go to the PIK website at www.protectidahokids.org or call Bruce Wingate at (208) 761-5695.  
Going to Camp this Summer?! Join us for our camper blessing JUNE 12! If this is your first summer at camp, let Mary know ASAP!

Upcoming Events
6/12 - Camper Blessing during service
6/26-7/1 Youth Gathering Alternative Trip
7/8-7/12 - Local Mission to Boise
Join the ILC Youth Connect Facebook Group and the ILC Child & Youth YouTube Channel to stay connected! Click here for the May Youth Newsletter. If you have ANY questions, please contact Mary Riedl at Youth@ilcboise.org or 208-801-9249.
June 5 - Pentecost Sunday Worship Service, Sanctuary @9:30am
June 7 - Bible Study via Zoom @10:30am
June 7 - Food Fellowship Dinner, Immanuel @5pm
June 8 - Informational Meeting on the Call Process, Zoom/In-person TBD@6pm
June 9 - Quilters Meet, Quilting Room @ 10am-Noon
Other Resources
Click here for the ILC Full Calendar
Submissions for the Inside Immanuel Weekly newsletter are due by Wednesday at 5pm each week. Send your submissions to: NancyMUpchurch@gmail.com.