January 3, 2025

Inside Immanuel

Prayer of the Day

Shine into our hearts the light of your wisdom, O God, and open our minds to the knowledge of your word, that in all things we may think and act according to your good will and may live continually in the light of your Son, Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen

CLICK HERE for this Sunday's 10am worship bulletin

Worship Times

Join us for in-person worship on Sundays at 8:30am in the Augustana Chapel and 10am in the Immanuel Sanctuary.

Also join us for Coffee Hour in the Hospitality Room following worship.


Worship services are livestreamed (tune into the YouTube Channel) and the recordings are available to watch anytime after worship.

Watch the video below for a sermon preview from Pastor Bob.

CLICK HERE for the most recent online worship


Beware of Phishing Texts & Emails from Hackers

Members have reported receiving texts and emails from hackers impersonating Pastor Bob. If you receive a message from the pastor that looks suspicious do NOT respond or act. Pastor Bob's official email is

pastor at ilcboise dot org. (We will be using this email format in our newsletter from now on to deter bad actors from hacking us.) Please verify the actual address before opening or responding to any email.

Memorial Service for Ron Dobson

Longtime member, Ron Dobson, passed away with his wife and daughter by his side. A memorial service will be held on January 11 at 1pm in the Immanuel Sanctuary followed by a reception with light refreshments.  

Save the Date for Manna and Mercy, a Northwest Intermountain Synod Event

DEM Pastor Liv Larson Andrews will be leading a series on Dan Erlander's classic Manna and Mercy on Thursdays, beginning January 9, at 6pm Pacific/7pm Mountain Time.

For more information and to order a copy of the resource through Augsburg Fortress: https://www.augsburgfortress.org/store/product/9781506457017/Manna-and-Mercy

Register for Manna and Mercy Here

Please Sponsor Altar Flowers

We are in need of sign-ups to sponsor altar flowers! If you would like to honor a loved one by sponsoring a flower arrangement, please sign up in the Hospitality Room or call (208-344-3011) or email the Church Office or online from the button below.

Click here to sponsor altar flowers

Upcoming Scriptures

January 5

The Epiphany of our Lord

Isaiah 60:1-6

Psalm 72:1-7, 10-14

Ephesians 3:1-12

Matthew 2:1-12

Birthdays & Anniversaries

Chris B        Jan 5

John S         Jan 5

Sonja R       Jan 7

Linda P        Jan 9

Zoe W         Jan 11

Brian S        Jan 13


  Canned Soup

Feed My Sheep is Immanuel's Food-of-the-Month collection box. The box is located in the Narthex and food collected is delivered to the St. John's Food Pantry. Please do not donate any food item in glass containers.

Time & Talent During Worship

It takes many of us to provide a worship service each week. Would you like to get involved? Become an usher, acolyte, eucharistic minister, assisting minister, provide a special musical offering, sing in the choir or be a coffee hour host. Contact the Church Office if you would like to know more.


January 5 - Worship Service, Augustana @ 8:30am

January 5 - Worship Service, Immanuel @ 10am

January 6 - Staff Meeting, Library @12pm

January 6 - Finance/Council Budget Night @ 5pm

January 7 - Adult Bible Study, Library @ 10:30am

January 7 - Food Fellowship Dinner, Fellowship Hall @ 5pm

January 8 - Youth Committee Meeting via TEAMS @ 5:30pm

January 9 - Quilt Ministry, Quilting Room @ 10am

January 9 - Worship & Music Committee Meeting, Zoom/In-person @ 6pm

Click here for the ILC Full Calendar
Other Resources

Immanuel Lutheran Church Website



Northwest Intermountain Synod

Lutheran Community Services Northwest

Living Lutheran



Immanuel Online Member Directory

Upcoming Worship Assistants

Submit a Prayer Request
Facebook  Instagram  Youtube  

Submissions for the Immanuel newsletter are due by Wednesday at 5pm each week. Send your submissions to: NancyMUpchurch at gmail dot com.

Visit our Website