
The Ocutech Quarterly

March 2022

No Price Increases!

Hello Henry,

We are pleased to announce that there will be no price increases on Ocutech products in 2022. That’s not to say that our costs haven’t gone up due to both supply chain challenges and component costs, but we have elected to absorb those for as long as we can.


The current and still active pricelist is dated January 1, 2021. If you’d like a new copy, please contact Lynne Starr at [email protected] and she’ll get one out to you immediately- either by email or snail mail- your preference. It will also be a chance for you to update your contact info in case any of that has changed.



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Dr. Henry Greene, OD, FAAO

Co-founder and President


Supply Chain Issues Impact Us, Too!

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While getting our parts and supplies is taking longer than in the past we are still able to manufacture and assemble all of our products and ship your orders to you in a very timely manner.


The only availability challenge we face has been the blue-blocker sunfilter. The polarized plastic sheets that these are made from are not available anywhere. We are constantly looking for alternate sources but so far without luck. You’ve probably heard that from us when you placed an order for them. As we have no idea when they will be available again, we decided to not backorder them to you, but will send out a product update when they are again available.

A Remedy for Eyelashes and Unstable Sunfilters

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Some of our accounts have found that our slip-behind sunfilters either aren’t stable when inserted behind the frame or that the wearer’s eyelashes rub against the ocular side of the filter (this is more of a problem when the filters cover the telescope eyepiece as compared to when they are slotted to allow the eyepiece to pass through). We have found that using small 10mm round Velcro pads can solve the problem. We suggest that you attach the ‘loop coin’ to the back of the bridge and the ‘hook coin’ to the front of the filter. 

Falcon Battery Belt Clips Now Available

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When we were getting ready to release the Falcon in late 2018, we tested many different batteries to find one with stable power output (they’re not all of equivalent quality) and that had a belt clip to make them easier to wear. We finally found one that we liked and ordered a sufficient quantity for our expected sales for the first two years. 

We are pleased to say ...


When Should I Consider an

Ocutech Bioptic for My Patient?

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I’m frequently asked what makes me consider a bioptic for an individual patient. So, I’ve written a short blog post to describe my approach that may find helpful.


The Importance of Ocular Dominance

 in Low Vision Care

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Over the years experienced practitioners tend to ‘go where the action is.’ What this means to me is that we refine our testing methods to do the tests that are most instructive in managing the patient and stop doing tests that don’t tell us much.


One such test that I have found very helpful is testing for ocular dominance. Here's how it works...


Dr. Henry Greene to Lead

The Vision Council’s Low Vision Division

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Ocutech co-founder and President, Henry Greene, OD, FAAO, has been elected in-coming chair of the Low Vision Division of The Vision Council (sponsor of Vision Expo East and West). His 2-year term begins in late January 2022. 


Patient Informational PDF Free Downloads

Consumer Guide to Ocutech Bioptics

Learning to use your Ocutech bioptic

How biopitics might enable you to drive

Learning to use your bioptic for driving

Have a Low Vision method or technique that you find helpful

and want to share?

Have a story of an exceptional patient wearing an Ocutech bioptic that you’d like to share! 

We’d love to share their and your story and feature your practice in an upcoming newsletter. We can even interview you and your patient and write the story on your behalf! Just contact Lynne Starr at [email protected] to get started.

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