Week of Sunday, March 21
Worship & Announcements
MISSION STATEMENT: Celebrating and sharing God’s love in a welcoming community of faith, while serving others.
Holy Week is coming up!
At a glance:
Holy Week Bags, Saturday March 27th | 9-11 am (choose pick-up or delivery by Men’s Ministry)
Youth Breakfast “To Go,” Saturday, March 27th | 9-11 am for a Free Will Donation (choose pick-up or delivery by Men’s Ministry)
Palm Sunday Service, Sun., March 28th | 9 am (In-person and livestreamed).
Maundy Thursday Service, April 1st | 7 pm (In-person and livestreamed)
Good Friday Service, April 2nd | 7 pm (In-person and livestreamed)
Prayer Vigil, April 2nd-3rd (At home)
Easter Sunday, April 4 | 9 am (In-person/livestreamed) & 10:30 am (In-person)
Fifth Sunday of Lent - March 21, 9 a.m.
The liturgical color for this Sunday is Purple.
Access worship videos from one of these locations:
Serving Today:
Liturgist – Brandon Zalesky
Organist/Pianist – Carol Novak
Technical Director – Chris Rich
Register for In-Person Worship
Register for upcoming worship services using the Worship Reservation page or call the church office during the week.
The health, safety, and well-being of our staff and members is very important to us.
We continue to evaluate current conditions based on the Covid-19 test positivity rate, number of new cases, and other available information.
Easter Flowers – We will have an assortment of spring plants; mums, kalanchoe, & begonias, (this is a change from last week – the florist suggested that these plants are more likely to be in bloom for Easter) for the altar this year. If you would like to contribute $10.00 and purchase one for the altar area, you may pick it up after Easter to plant at home. Please contact the office ASAP if you wish to purchase a plant in honor or in memory of someone. Please call (402) 493-2946 or email: marylou@lord-of-love.org with your information.
The Flower Chart is now back up in the narthex. If you would like to sponsor flowers for the altar during the year, you may sign up in the narthex or call the office to reserve your date. The cost of the bouquet is $30.00. Please make your check payable to Lord of Love with FLOWERS in the memo.
Weekly Readings:
Mon. – Isaiah 43:8-13
Tues. – Isaiah 44:1-8
Wed. – John 12:34-50
Thurs. – Haggai 2:1-9; 20-23
Fri. – 2 Corinthians 3:4-11
Sat. – Psalm 119:9-16
Midweek Services
Our Midweek Lenten services continue at 7 p.m on Wednesdays leading up to Holy Week. This service will be offered in-person and be livestreamed and recorded at the same time. Each week, we will hear from a different voice from around the Nebraska Synod who will speak about how living out these marks of discipleship are a gift to us and others. These sermons will be pre-recorded video that will be put into the Evening Prayer (Compline) service. Please complete the worship reservation form to attend in person.
Lent in a Bag
If you wanted a "Lent in a Bag" or communion kits, but somehow communication wires got crossed, please call the office and let us know. Thank you.
Lenten and Easter Giving
Each season we provide opportunities to give in support of mission.
Our Lenten and Easter special offerings are to be split between Lutheran Disaster Response and the Foodbank for the Heartland. Through these offerings, we make a difference in the lives of many affected by disaster and food insecurities throughout the world and in our community. There are some volunteer opportunities at the Foodbank of the Heartland, though restrictions are in place because of the pandemic. Visit the website for more information in general and for volunteer openings.
You may send checks to Lord of Love or drop off financial contributions for these special offerings during office hours at Lord of Love Please make sure your check is clearly marked “Lent/Easter offering.” You may also use Give Plus+ on the Lord of Love Giving page or your smartphone app and choosing “Lent/Easter” as the fund.
Last Week’s Ongoing Offering: $9674.00
This amount is a combination of Electronic Simply Giving, GivePlus+ and Sunday donations (Weekly offering of $7,373 needed to meet budgeted expenses)
Please remember the Lord of Love Deacon’s Fund if you are able. The Deacon’s Fund is distributed with the discretion of Pr. Becky, to those who need assistance in paying a bill, groceries, gas etc. Very strict guidelines are in place. Assistance is never given in the form of cash. Please be sure to indicate Deacon’s Fund on your envelope and/or check memo. Thank you.
When using the GivePlus+ app, be sure to select Lord of Love Lutheran Omaha.
Vaccine Notification Registration
Have you registered to get notified when a COVID-19 vaccination is ready for you?
Residents of Douglas County age 65 and older or with high-risk health conditions can sign-up to be notified of community vaccination clinics or other available vaccination options when they become available.
Note it is not a sign-up for a vaccination appointment.
This sign-up requires use of the online form available on the Douglas County Health Department web page, but you can have a family member sign-up for you. Read the provided information and then click on the identified link to the registration form. Enter your name, email address, mailing address, and date of birth to sign-up. A confirmation email will be sent to the provided email address. Then just wait; when your designated group can be vaccinated, you will receive an email with vaccination sites and times for your injection.
Call Douglas County Health Department COVID-19 Information Line 7 days a week from 8:30 a.mm to 4 p.m. at 402-444-3400 for more information.
Sunday Morning Fellowship
10:30 a.m. on Sundays, hosted by Dave Lueders
or CALL 301-715- 8592 and enter Meeting ID: 920 1921 8772
Sunday School
Virtual Sunday School is held each Sunday at 10:30am. If you are interested in participating in virtual Sunday School, please contact Miss Heather at heather@lord-of-love.org and she will share the link with you.
Sun., March 28 Palm Sunday Service at 9 am: Kids attending will be encouraged to process around with their palms.
Birthdays and Anniversaries
This Week at Lord of Love
9:00 am Worship In Person & Online
10:30-11:00 am Sunday School Online
10:30-11:30 am Confirmation Online/Fellowship Hour Online
7:00 pm AA & Al Anon
1:00 pm Book Club at the church
6:00 pm Brass Rehearsal
6:00 pm Bell Choir 1
7:00 pm Lenten Service
7:30 pm Bell Choir 2
9:00 am Zoom Coffee Fellowship
9:30 am Al Anon Mtg.
7:30 pm AA
7:00 am Zoom Men’s Ministry Breakfast
9:00 am Palm Sunday Worship In Person & Online
10:30-11:00 am Sunday School Online
10:30-11:30 am Confirmation Online/Fellowship Hour Online
Those Close to our Hearts
Ivy Huffman, Lorraine Mohrlock; Brian Walther; Earl Papenhausen, father of Lisa Meyer; Stephanie Johnston (daughter of Joyce Madsen); Brandi Brewer (daughter-in-law of Pat & Jesse Brewer); Roland & Carol Bronstad (friends of Judy Egr); Mike Morgan (son of Jim & Jeri Morgan); Jason Combes; Sarge Schuchard; Axton Myers (3 yr old w/cancer – friend of the Lueders); Brian Palmer (grandson of Nancy Shinrock); Sheila Larson; Phil Nickisch (friend of Dave Lueders); Chuck Flansburg (friend of Judy Egr); Betty Thompson (mother of Beth Olson); Janet Jensen (mother of Dawn Burton); Cindy Moos (friend of Tom and Beth Olson); Vern Nemitz (uncle of Paula Foster); Lucy Klos (sister-in-law of Mike & Christie Klos); Ron & Brenda Thom; Kathy Campina (cousin of Rose Roberts); Stephanie Ulrich (relative of Paula Foster); Roslynn Thom (sister of Ron Thom); Ken Lineweaver (step-dad of Gwen Edwards); Babette Garder (mother of Kenn Garder); Eileen Nagle (mother-in-law of Tara Novak); Olivia Griffin (daughter of Scott and Dana Griffin); Steve Wiitala, (friend of Karen Mullen); Connie Bennett (cousin of Karen Armitage); Don Lueders, Lisa Lueders (brother of Dave Lueders & sister-in-law of Dave Lueders)
Those Who Mourn
The family and friends of Deb Christenson
The family and friends of Lynn Bennett (uncle of Karen Armitage)
The family and friends of Randy Eckhoff (brother-in-law of Rex Quadhamer)
Those Who Are Deployed
Jeremy Dolder, family member of the Lueders
Abel Avalos, son of Miguel & Rosie Avalos
Tanner Torosian, grandson of Lorraine Mohrlock
We lift up in Love:
- Caregivers and those who suffer with addictions and depression.
- Those seeking employment.
- Those dealing with infertility or seeking to adopt.
- Prayers for behind the scenes and front line health care workers.
- Those living with food insecurity and financial hardship.
- All of those working from home and homeschooling their children.
- Children who are missing their teachers, friends and school routine.
Adding Names to the Bulletin Prayer List
Please contact Mary Lou in the church office (402 493 2946) or marylou@lord-of-love.org. We need your help to keep our prayer list current. To update or delete names from the prayer list, please notify the Church office.
02 Adam Anderson
03 Brandon Hansen
04 Jesse Brewer
05 Todd Meyer
11 Chris Rich
12 Nora Bougger
12 Ellie Messerschmidt
13 Dave Rieff
14 Nathan Olson
15 Payton Combes
15 Caleb Rich
18 Britney Manuel
19 Maykala Adams
25 Courtney Martinez
25 Roger Meyer
30 David Boarts
30 Noah Concannon
31 Joan Witt
Office Phone: 402.493.2946
Fax: 402.493.3087
The Rev. Rebecca Sells
Office Administrator, Prayer Chain, and Financial Secretary
Mary Lou Gustafson
Director of Faith Formation
Heather Christensen
Vision and Coordination:
Brian Lund, President
Tom Olson, Vice-President
Renae Rich, Secretary
Doug Armitage, Treasurer
Nurture: Joan Witt
and Shelby Lamoureux
Outreach: Charise Adams
and Matt Willard
Resources: Brandon Zalesky
and Brandon Hansen
Worship: Rex Quadhamer
and Shawn Lorenzen