from St. Raphael's

May 20, 2023
Partly cloudy, 80 degrees.
Bring your own lawn chair!
Ascension Sunday
May 21, 2023

This Sunday at St. Raphael's we'll be hearing and reflecting on the Ascension with propers from Ascension Day. (Ascension Day falls each year on Thursday, the 40th day of the Easter Season. It marks the conclusion of Jesus' post-resurrection appearances. It is the final elevation of his human nature to divine glory. It is a principal feast of the church year in the Episcopal Church.

”as they (the apostles) were watching, he (Jesus) was lifted up,
and a cloud took him out of their sight.(from Acts, chapter 1)

This Sunday we're looking ahead to the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, arriving in our liturgy next Sunday - on Pentecost.

If you're in the area tomorrow, please join us for Word and Sacrament in the Garden. (Please note the new summer time: 9:00am).

Please pray with us
Keep them in your prayers this week:
Mariann, Julie, Calvin, Jane, Paula & Phil, Nella, Katie, Matthew, Cooper, Bob, Lexa, Kim, Mary Ann, and Donna
Are there others?
We pray for the repose of the soul of Cynthia Vogelgesang.
For consultation, prayers and pastoral care visits...
Please contact your priest, Jean Hite, cell phone # 239-980-0912.
  • Call for a home visitation appointment.
  • Also available for online visits. Call to schedule a Zoom appointment. 
Outreach opportunities:
Feeding those in need in our area

St. Raphael's has for years donated to the Choice Market Food Pantry at Beach Baptist Church, 130 Connecticut St. Although their church building was devastated by the hurricane, Beach Baptist continues to be active feeding those in need. You can contact the Food Pantry via phone at (239) 362-7500 to offer your help.

Each week Beachtalk Radio does a live walk-around to update viewers as to the current conditions on the Beach. Today the video show the area around Beach Baptist and includes a glimpse of the food pantry. Click here to view this video.
Beach Baptist Church, 206 Connecticut St., May 20, 2023
St. Raphael's sends hardy congratulations
. . . and gives thanks to God for Matthew Heyd, who today has been ordained Bishop, serving the Diocese of New York.
Matthew is the son of St. Raphael's seasonal parishioners, Peter and Delores Heyd.

Center: Matthew (now Bishop Matthew) during the Presentation section of the Ordination service.
Matthew's parents, Peter and Delores Heyd.
for your continuing prayers, pledges and financial support
The current temporary mailing address for St. Raphael’s is:
c/o St. Mary’s Episcopal Church
P.O. Box 1923
Bonita Springs, FL 34135