Please add the following to your prayers this week:
Richard Tyler
David Vandre
Cathy Smith and Joanne Shenk (friends of Al & Joan Diaz)
Norma Daly (friend of Anne Cain)
Ed & Romella O'Keefe
Al & Joan Diaz
Trisha LaGrange
Betsey Parker
Cindy Royce and spouse Barb Gingrich (friends of Ann Twiggs)
Nancy Colvin (friend of Ann Twiggs)
Joseph Orost (son of Jean Glasgow-Hawkins)
Esther Jillson (friend of Becky Rowland)
Betty Gilliam (sister of Frances Yoder)
Joy Greenfield (friend of Trisha LaGrange)
Eve Teerlinck
MJ Heubach (friend of Jace Kahn, Jr.)
Shakine Davis (son of Kay Davis)
Sue Eastin (friend of Becky Rowland)
Carol Inman
Maryett Carl
Gary Cyphers
Yvonne Kyker
Margel Young (mother-in-law of Steve and Martha Hogenboom's son)
Bea Miller (friend of Catherine Lynch)
Josh Bledsoe
Ann Twiggs
Roger Bohn (father of Diane Bohn Rose)
Family of BJ Tyler (beloved dog of Richard & Dona Tyler)
And for those being impacted in any way by this pandemic that we hold in our hearts as a church community