Advanced Rejuvenation with Dr. John Lieurance Presents

a weekend with dr. michael ryce

1014 North East Avenue, Sarasota, FL 34237

Friday – Sunday, May 3 – 5, 2024

FRIDAY, MAY 3, 2024, 6:00PM – 9:30PM – (FREE)


The Human Energy System, How The Human Mind Works, Healing Guilt And Fear, HOW To Forgive, The Cause Of Health, The Cause And Healing Of Pain. A unique, original synthesis of science, Naturopathic Medicine, Spiritual Psychology and Theology rich with insights from the ancient Aramaic language A workshop that offers workable tools for self-healing, putting an end to recurring life patterns and renewing your life.


SATURDAY, MAY 4, 2024, 8:00AM – approx. 6:00PM


This is an all day event, fee $349, pre-registration required (bring a lunch)

MindShifters® are used in this work as a catalyst that quickly surface hidden mind dynamics so that they can be examined and healed.

StillPoint Breathing® is deep, process-oriented work. Experience the breath’s ability to reduce stress, remove limiting realities. This gentle self-help tool leads to the experience of self-acceptance. Source Connectedness and an ever-deepening serenity!


SUNDAY, MAY 5, 2024, 2:00PM – 6:00PM – (FREE with Saturday Ticket)


Can intimacy be created through Codependence? What is the cause and cure of addiction? What are the precious gifts of Codependent relationship & how are they acted upon? When denial is removed Conscious Relationships provide a forum for recovery. Explore tools for transforming dysfunction into health and wholeness thru relationship! Be introduced to the concept of the “Power Person” that is at the root of our personality formation. Move past survival to the delight and aliveness that is not only possible but our natural birthright!


Quantum StillPoint Intensive

Are you ready for three of the most INTENSE days of your life?  

I am pulling out all the stops on 50+ years of training, practice and experience in my development of healing tools and Forgiveness work. I have created a 3-day Personal Intensive that will introduce every effective tool I have discovered.


“I wish could find someone on the planet who could do for me what will happen for you in your session!” dr. michael ryce


It is a personal Intensive done here, at a local hotel here in Bristol, VA/TN. We can schedule it at a time that works for you – contact me before you make your travel arrangements at


3-days of deep, mental, physical and emotional work (2 to 3 hours per day, one-on-one) – ONLY if you are ready to go for the most INTENSE levels!


It includes:

  • A Personal Code Evaluation and a consultation on that in advance of the three days.
  • A 2-hour session on day one with assignments.
  • A 2-3 hour session on day two.
  • A 2-3 hour session on day three.


The sessions will be very physically and emotionally intense, and I will be using every tool that I’ve learned over the last 50 years that will take you into StillPoint, like nothing else that exists on the planet in my awareness.


The cost is $1,000


The hotel will be up to you to decide how much you want to spend (recommendations will be given upon your registration).

We began "The Enlightenment" Study

on January 15, 2024

Details and archives can be accessed at

Purchase Enlightenment Offer

For this study, go to Donations and click Donate and put $26 (this extra $1 covers the fee we are charged by PayPal) and we will pay for S&H to you. NOTE: in the comment area you must say "Enlightenment" and give us your name and mailing address.

You can purchase the book for $25 from our Shop but the site will automatically add $9 for S&H

Support Us via Our YouTube Channel

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We currently have over 235 videos and have now added "shorts" (under 59 seconds long). Please check them out and subscribe / watch / like.

We will be sending out another email in the next few days with a new article from dr. michael ryce


Our mailing address is

dr. michael ryce & Jeanie Ryce

P. O. Box 1901

Bristol, TN 37621-1901


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