"The River"
This Sunday
February 23
Speaker: Rev. Vincent Lachina
Celebrant: Jim Heard
Music: Sally Riggers
  Bridging the Gap: The Space Between Belief and Behavior
One of the most evident realities in our society today is the concept of hypocrisy, or as it is often stated, “People don’t practice what they preach.” Every day the news media is filled with story after story of individuals or groups who profess one standard of beliefs and yet behave in direct opposition to that belief. The gap between what we believe and how we behave seems to continually widen. Though none of us would like to admit that we are guilty of that failure, the truth is, we are. It might be wise to take some time to think about how our own behavior sometimes does not match what we say we be lieve. Let’s examine that gap.
We are opening the Fellowship early on Sunday mornings -- 9:15 AM -- for simply socializing and for regular meetings of various groups and committees. Enticements will include fresh coffee, snacks, and cheer.
Soup-er Sunday 4th Sunday each month. Stay after the service for a delicious bowl of soup and bread $6. If you would like to help make soup contact Greg Sherman at 360 421-0633 or gregorysherman@gmail.com
Soup-er Sunday fundraiser goal - pay off the mortgage on our building! Beginning in October, 2019 , soup money will go to separate mortgage payoff account.
Upcoming Services

   March 2020
March 1
Speaker: Rev. Lena Breen
Celebrant: Ken Dunning
Music: Sally Riggers
For All That Is Our life
Rev. Breen is back with another look at our Unitarian Universalist heritage and the eight sources we draw from. Her message today is based on one of our favorite hymns: For All That Is our Life , which includes this phrase: "to build the common good.” She will speak to how we can reconnect with our sense of joy and awe and wonder at the abundance of being alive while seeking justice and love during our present 2020 political year of divisiveness; how returning again to hope, the importance of community, and the principles we try to live by will set the tone for months to come. That demands fortitude and balance. Let's see if we can find some of that today.

  March 8
 Speaker: Rev. Barbara Gilday
Celebrants: Rosemary Stevens
Music: Sally Riggers
What Comprises Charity
Whether it’s international, community or personal, there are a variety of considerations as we explore what is truly charitable. Please ponder your own thoughts. After my remarks, I’ll invite you to share in 2’s and 3’s your own thoughts or examples. Then some of you may wish to share with the larger group. .

March 15
 Speaker: Rev. Dr. Linda Allen
Celebrant: Anneliese Sherman
Here’s to the Women!
…a live, multi-media production featuring original music, readings, and images highlighting the struggle for the Nineteenth Amendment, in the West and beyond. Plan to sit back and enjoy learning about and celebrating the road to womens' voting rights in this country: the joy and the sorrow. Linda, a certified clinical musician with Hospice of the Northwest, has a 50-year career of championing human rights issues. Her long-time passion has been to create music to touch hearts and minds, and help bring about personal and political change, Today we are very fortunate to be on the receiving end. This is definitely one service not to be missed!

  March 22
Celebrant: Rosemary Stevens
Music: Sally Riggers
UU Women in History
This service extends the previous week's service to include the role Unitarian and Universalist women have made in our nation's history. In addition to the suffrage movement, they have been at the forefront of other important social issues. Members will share their stories, their achievements and their significant impact in our country.

March 29
Speaker: Rev. Bruce Bode
Celebrant: Jim Heard
Music: Sally Riggers
The Boundless Deep
Two of Alfred Lord Tennyson’s most well-known poems, “Ulysses” and “Crossing the Bar,” assist us in exploring one of the great polarities of human life: doing and being, striving and surrendering, never to yield and always to yield.
(editorial comment: hmmmm.. this is totally UU!)
There will be a memorial service for Allen Lowe at the Lincoln Theater in Mount Vernon at 3:00 PM on February 29th.

We made valentine cards and bookmarks with the Fellowship's laminator. Thank you Sally Riggers for planning an awesome pre-Valentine's day party for Sunday, February 9 service.
Happy February birthdays!!!  Best wishes to Eileen, Pete,Russell, and any others celebrating your special day this month.
Covenant Circle meets Wednesdays.
We are living in a time both fascinating and terrifying. Please come and add your reflections as we discuss magazines, books, the news, and life.

Every Wednesay afternoon at 1:30 at Haggen on Division Street in Mount Vernon. Call Joy Lindberg (360-424-8090) for further information.
For the children   CRE with Maddie Schleif Sunday 10:30 am.
The smaller babies room has a speaker system installed. If you should need to leave the service, you can still hear everything in there..
This space awaits a photo or poem or news or reminiscence from you, when you're ready. Email your contributions to the office.
H ow Wolves Change Rivers: Singing the World Into Balance
3pm and 7:30pm, Saturday, March 7, 2020
Bellingham Unitarian Fellowship , 1207 Ellsworth Street
$20/$5 online through www.brownpapertickets.com
Join the Choir of the Salish Sea as they sing the world into balance through rollicking, riparian repertoire, and celebrate a trophic cascade of ecological restoration. This new group is led by BUF choir director Kevin Allen-Schmid.
Songs include:
-“Down in the River to Pray,” a processional from the film O Brother, Where Art Thou?
-the muscular “Volga Boat Song,” sung in Russian
-the Sons of the Pioneers’ classic “Cool Water,” with guests the Tango Cowboys
-“Bring Me Little Water Sylvie,” with choreography
-an exquisitely gentle a cappella version of “Shenandoah,” in surround sound
-“Rivers of Babylon,” by the Jamaican reggae group The Melodians
-“How Wolves Change Rivers,” director Kevin’s haunting (and howling) new composition
-Billy Joel’s “River of Dreams,” featuring several soloists
Dear Skagit Folks,

Hello, I am a former minister at SUUF and also a playwright. My play is premiering in Shoreline on Feb. 23 and I am confident it will be of interest to your congregation. Any questions, please call me at 425-750-0711. Cheers, Amanda Aikman
 " Build Your Own Theology" First Sunday after coffee. SUUF will be having a series of discussions based on the UU curriculum,
Our first meeting was after church on the first Sunday in November, Nov 3rd at noon. (Circle of chairs = meeting!) All are welcome to hear about the curriculum, which is available from the the UUA website Bookstore). I suggest that the study group meet once a month for 9 months, until next June to work through book One of the curriculum. We will break down the curriculum into monthly units, suggest some readings and journaling, if people wish to do so (writing, art, song, whatever!),
and discuss our own thoughts and feedback on the topics.

People are welcome to check this out-- no "obligation"!  Monthly meetings with be open to all, as is the basis of our UU theology-- with caring, curiosity, faith-seeking, and respect!
Call Doris, 360-336-3453 for more information.
Shantikar, Raga, Kirtan and World Music, Saturday, March 14, 7-9 PM, at the Center for Spiritkual Living, 1508 N. 18th, Mt. Vernon, WA. Tickets $15, 260-424-9974 www.skagitcls.com (see flyer in hall)
Activities hosted at Diversity Hall ( See flyers and information posted on the Renters Bulletin Board in the hall.)
Spiritual Movement Exploration
With Andra Heath
March 2, 9, 16, 23, 30.  

We will come together weekly for some light instruction about how the human body moves. Then together we explore movements to enhance the spirit within us. Finally, self-exploration is encouraged. Find your own "feel-good" movements as music plays in the background. It is for all ages.
Come for;    Emotional and Physical Healing
better Mobility
and just plain Feeling Good. 
5 weekly sessions each Monday night in March 2020 7:00pm – 8:30pm
Suggested donation $5 each week or $20 for all 5 weeks paid in advance.
Office Administrator, Newsletter : Claire Phillips skagituu@gmail.com Hours: Tue. & Thur. 12-4 pm

Worship Team Leader : Sally Riggers suufmusic@gmail.com

Board contact: Jim Heard james.heard@skagituuf.com