From the Program Director
Sarah Chandonnet |
This Sunday, we are delighted to honor Dr. Alan Lightman with our first-ever Humanism in Literature Award, which was created to celebrate an author who has exemplified and illustrated the values of Humanism through art and literature. Alan Lightman is an essayist, physicist, educator, humanist, and author of the international bestseller Einstein's Dreams, and Mr g, The Accidental Universe, The Diagnosis, Ghost, among others. He is a professor of the practice of the humanities at MIT and was the first professor at MIT to receive a joint appointment in the sciences and the humanities. In 1989, he was appointed professor of science and writing, and senior lecturer in physics. From 1991 to 1997, he headed the Program in Writing
and Humanistic Studies at MIT.
1:30-3:00pm, 30 JFK Street. Seats are limited: first come, first served. Read more here.
March 5: Alfie Kohn: How Schools (and Parents) Can Raise Reflective Rebels Join us for a talk with Alfie Kohn, author of 14 books about education, parenting, and human behavior, about progressive schooling and how to raise (and teach) kids to be "reflective rebels:" to acquire both the inclination and the skills to question authority. 1:30-3:00pm, 30 JFK Street. Read more here.
March 12: Meredith Goldstein: What I've Learned About Gender and Empathy While Writing an Advice Column
Join columnist of Boston Globe's "Love Letters," a daily dispatch of advice for the lovelorn, for a conversation about what she has learned giving love advice since 2009. 1:30-3:00pm, 30 JFK Street. Read more here.
Help Support Us!
The Humanist Hub is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that receives zero funding from Harvard University. Everything we do is thanks to your support. Please give generously!
One generous donor has offered us a matching challenge: if we can raise $50k in the first 50 days of the year, it will be doubled! Make your donation and see the progress here.
Starting March: Sunday Programs for ALL Kids
We are delighted to offer programs for kids of all ages during our Sunday programs, beginning in March. (These include a nursery for parents & small kids, volunteer-led activities, and our Big Question Lab classes). Read more here: