Dear District 65 Members,
On April 27, 2023, the District Council will be electing the 2023-2024 District 65 Toastmasters Leaders. The election will take place during the online District Annual Meeting of the District Council.

The members of the District Council are the Club Presidents, Vice Presidents Education, and the members of the District Executive Committee: District Director, Program Quality Director, Club Growth Director, the Immediate Past District Director, Public Relations Manager, Administrations Manager, Finance Manager, Division Directors, and Area Directors. Please note that proxy voting is not allowed.
The District Leadership Committee (DLC) Chair, Brenda Billups, DTM, has submitted the following list of nominated candidates for the respective elected District Officer positions.

Position .......................Nominated Candidate
District Director....................Samuel Otto, DTM
Program Quality Director.....[Position Open]
Club Growth Director...........Martin Johnson, DTM
Club Growth Director...........Ray Mulgrew, DTM
Division A Director................Karen Stewart
Division B Director...............[Position Open]
Division C Director...............Debra Bullard
Division D Director...............Shannon Brooks
Division E Director...............Brianna Wichowsky

Any member interested in running from the floor for any of the elected positions must declare the intent to run to the District Director Kate Olsen, DTM, at [email protected] on or before April 20, 2023.

Floor Candidates must submit a completed Candidate Biography Form and photograph 450H District Leader Biographical Information (, as well as a signed copy of Toastmasters International Officers Agreement and Release Statement 450D District Leader Agreement Release Form (, and must be evaluated by the DLC for eligibility.
Information on registering for the District Annual Meeting of the District Council and to receive your unique registration credential is forthcoming.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Kate Olsen, DTM, PDG
District 65 Director 2022-2023 
phone 585-770-4783