CHCA news & updates
September 5, 2020
The Street and Feet is an event to encourage all Clairmont Heights neighbors to get outside and get moving. Families will walk our designated neighborhood marching route so they can see the neighborhood sights and greet each other in a COVID-responsible way.

Our goal is to get everyone involved!


We have two designated routes, the Main March and the Mini March, so that you can choose your distance! 

  • The Main March is approximately 4 miles, taking a (roughly) clockwise tour of neighborhood residential streets. We anticipate that average speed walkers can complete this in 1 - 1-1/2 hours. 

  • The Mini March is a touch over 1 mile, a good distance for younger children, smaller dogs, or older legs. It follows a counter clockwise path on streets that avoid steep uphills. 

  • Note: Feeling ambitious? You can try combinations within our 2-hour period. A Main March and a Mini, or a Mini-Mini, or a Mini-Main-Mini


  • Ice Cream sandwiches! Grab (and Keep Going)

  • Family Photo! Pause near a nice backdrop, and we’ll take a photo to email to you after. 

  • Members and Magnets! Join CHCA easily and grab your NEW, non-delaminating car magnet. 

Where do we start? We need to maintain adequate spacing between families, so we recommend starting on the route at the spot closest to your home. Follow the right direction and you can’t go wrong - you’ll end up back near home! Our Mayor will sound the Air Horn at 10 am to start us off. 

Can we just watch? Of course! Sit out in your yard. Wave while weeding. Tip your hat from the comfort of your porch. This event is for all. Oh, we will also be broadcasting on Facebook Live on our Clairmont Heights page - you can catch us there!

Membership in Clairmont Heights Civic Association (CHCA) is open to anyone 18 years of age or older who own or reside within the CHCA boundaries. Membership is on a household basis and dues are $25. Our membership year runs from June to June.

How we use your Membership dues:

  • Neighborhood Improvements: We buy plants for neighborhood entrances and help fund additions to Melton Park. We provide grants for things like our annual Graduation Banners. We mow common areas when necessary.

  • Social gatherings: CHCA sponsors our neighborhood’s annual Halloween potluck and occasionally other cookouts and Family Movie Nights. We try to provide opportunities to meet your neighbors and have a good time.

  • Communications: The Association website, this monthly eNewsletter, and the neighborhood Facebook group are all mechanisms that we employ to share information about the community. With separate committees addressing traffic issues, zoning and development concerns, and schools, our Board learns about a wide variety of things that we share throughout the year.