Fresno Council of Governments (Fresno COG) began its “One Voice” annual effort in 2003, seeking federal funding for projects of broad, community benefit to Fresno County. For 16 years Fresno COG's unified, public-private delegation selected prioritized projects and visited Congressional and federal departmental representatives in Washington, D.C. to pursue funding and grant opportunities.
Due in large part to the COVID 19 pandemic, Fresno COG has not hosted a trip since 2019. However, the Fresno COG Policy Board has directed staff to seek out regional priorities for a 2024 One Voice Advocacy trip. Any public or private entity is welcome to submit a priority for consideration by the One Voice Steering Committee and the Fresno COG Policy Board. Submitting entities must commit to sending or assigning a representative to Washington D.C. with the delegation to speak on the priorities’ behalf. The trip will tentatively be held in March 16-20, 2024 (including travel days), though a firm date will not be selected until hotel block reservations are secured. At that time delegate information will be released.
By advocating for policy and regulatory reform, Fresno COG's One Voice effort has been responsible for legislation that today streamlines the way federal and state agencies work together while eliminating unnecessary procedures so government agencies and the business community can work together seamlessly toward job creation for our communities.
Fresno COG welcomes you to participate in the One Voice effort!