Jackson's Reading Nook
We are pleased to announce the unveiling of Jackson's Reading Nook at the Burlington Public Library.
Jackson Walsh
Jackson's Reading Nook honors Jackson Walsh, a one-and-a-half-year-old boy who passed away on Dec. 26, 2018 due to Sudden Unexplained Death in Childhood. His parents, Harry and Michelle Walsh, wanted to make a significant impact on the community and the library by using donations made in Jackson's name to improve the Children's Room--specifically through a project that would be age appropriate for Jackson.
Jackson's Reading Nook
Jackson's Reading Nook is located in the picture book area of the Children's Room. The space includes a new love seat, a wall of activity boards, space for children to read and the library's puppet collection. One of the most significant additions is a wooden castle that has benches and houses books Jackson loved to read. Donations were also used to purchase a play kitchen with toys for the Children's
atrium area and new musical instruments to be used during the Songs & Stories
program at the library.

We will continue to use funds, donated in Jackson's memory, to make improvements to the Children's Room through future projects.
It is our sincere wish that local families enjoy Jackson's Reading Nook, and that it provides an opportunity for parents and children to make lasting memories when visiting the library.
The Donors

The Burlington Public Library and the Walsh Family would like to thank the following generous donors who contributed to Jackson's Reading Nook:

Corporate Donors
Ms. Cindy Manley, Vice President of Operations - Rolta Advizex
Mr. C.R. Howdyshell. President - Rolta Advizex

Individual Donors
Susan & Robert Akie
Patricia Barletta
Denise Bowser
Debra Boyajian
Susan Burke
The Burke Family
Theresa Caporiccio
Gabriel & Lisa Carrieri
Richard & Annette Comer
Rita Darisse
Patricia Daley
Robert DeLuca
The Devaney Family
Caitlin DeSoye
Paula DeYoung
Marie Doherty
Eleanor & Tony Donato
Kristin Enright
John & Joanne Fitzgerald
Lorraine Foley
Thomas & Jane Ford
The Friends of Laurie Walsh at the Chemistry Lab, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Edward & Linda Gagnon
Gail Galatro
John and Margaret Galatro
Gail Healey
Stephen & Sarah Herlihy
The Hoffman Family
Tom & Arlene Iodice
William & Cecile Keller
Sheri & Jim Kenney
Kathleen & Ralph Kent
Bradford & Claudette Kluge
Sandra Koot
Marguerite & Celeste Labrecque
Roland & Anne LaPlante
Brian & Robyn Logue
Geraldine & John Martin
Marina & Joseph McCarthy
Amy & Bill McHugh
Tom & Laurie McManus
David Melanson
Christine & Steven Milligan
Mary Mitchell
Richard Pizzi
Daniel & Patricia Robichaud
Paul & Deborah Robinson
The Rosenthal Family
Kitty & Steve Rusteika
Brian & Emily Sefton
David & Debra Sharkey
The Shea Family
Kathleen and David Stein
The Thomes Family
Maureen Toscano
Betty Tremblay
Ann & Ted Turcotte
Robert and Eileen Quinn
Patricia Walsh
James & Shannon Warren
The Weber Family
Mark & Patricia Wenzel
Carmela Yachetta
Andrew & Barbara Zito
If you would like to donate to the library, you can do so by sending your contribution to:

Michael Wick, Director
Burlington Public Library
22 Sears St.
Burlington, MA 01803

contact directly at [email protected]
or by phone at (781) 505-4990