The Magazine of Africa and the Diaspora, est. 1961
Issue 120 - You Are Next
Transition 120, "You Are Next," celebrates the artist's power to capture, convey, and make visible the particularities of marginalized or misrepresented identity.

Aida Muluneh's arresting images play with tropes of nostalgia and hope while defying a century of photographic stereotypes of Ethiopia; filmmaker Khalik Allah offers an intimate, raw look at street life on a Harlem corner; Sheldon Scott (cover artist) takes performances of black burden and respectability to the breaking point for his body, and his audience; and the late Leila Alaoui's stark, life-sized portraits both illustrate the rich cultural diversity of Morocco and aim to de-exoticize her subjects.

Also, two pillars of the African literary tradition weigh in on "the language question." Ngugi wa Thiong'o decries the "literary identity theft" of Europhone African literature, while Amos Tutuola (in a previously unpublished, typewritten essay) explains that his ideas are Yorubaish and "African in conception," though he writes in English. Plus, news from the Christopher Okigbo Foundation! All contributors in this issue nimbly navigate what philosopher Achille Mbembe calls "a geography of circulation and mobility" in his explication of what it is to be Afropolitan. With fiction by Regina N. Bradley; poetry by David Ishaya Osu, Aziza Barnes, Xandria Phillips, and Michelle Whittaker.

Read the issue on JSTOR, ProjectMUSE (coming soon).
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120 Featured Article

Camera Ministry    free access!
Click to view Issue 120 Artists

In a post-screening talkback, filmmaker Khalik Allah talks with Tommie Shelby about his depiction of life on a Harlem street corner in the film "Field Niggas," and about responses to his work from his subjects, and the public.

"When I shoot, I never use a flash and often times I have to tell people like, yo, walk with me down to the light.  Walk with me into the light, into the storefront.  But I remember driving home one night. I was like, yo, how many people did I tell to walk with me into the light tonight?  Like it sound like something Christ would say to someone. You know what I mean?  So then I was like, yo, this is camera ministry."   - Khalik Allah  

Read Camera Ministry

Letters & Opinions 

Since its launch in 1961, Transition has been a vibrant, international forum for the exchange of ideas and our Letters to the Editor section featured some of the most impassioned and memorable expressions the journal had to offer. While the Letters section was dropped from the journal's lineup many years ago, we are pleased to revive this forum and welcome letters for publication. Letters and Opinions up to 1000 words in length can be sent submitted to [email protected] for consideration, with the subject line Letter to the Editor.

Alejandro de la Fuente, Editor
Gwendolyn DuBois Shaw, Visual Arts Editor
Sara Bruya, Managing Editor
Nicole Terez Dutton, Editorial Assistant
Christianna Bennett, Visual Arts Assistant
Laura Correa Ochoa, Amanda Fish, Mariam Goshadze, Student Associate Editors
November 7th, 2016 - 7:00 pm

Harvard Book Store is pleased to host an evening with Transition magazine. Stay tuned for details!

Transition back issues

Limited quantities of select back issues of Transition from the 1990s - 2000s are available through the Harvard Book Store online.

TRANSITION: The Magazine of Africa & the Diaspora
Hutchins Center for African and African American Research, Harvard University
104 Mt. Auburn St., 3R  Cambridge, MA 02138
617-496-1312 | Email | Website