After receiving a number of research submissions in December, the Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) has matched six exciting potential external research projects with enthusiastic VTrans Champions. All six projects received Letters of Interest from universities on our
Qualified Researcher List and are moving forward! We expect to receive proposals in March. We are excited about the breadth and depth these potential research projects represent and look forward to brief presentations by each Champion at our Bureau Directors Selection Meeting in early April.
The 6 potential research projects include:
- Quantifying Correlations Between Winter Severity, Road Conditions, and VTrans’ Snow and Ice Control Activities
- Evaluation of Stripping Potential Tests for Bituminous Concrete
- Cost Optimized Performance Structural Concrete
- Effectiveness pf Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons at Mid-block Crosswalks
- Equitable and Efficient Renewable-Transportation Investments in Rural Areas
- Fish Passage Baffle Discharge Equations and Discharge Coefficients