
Food Matters Manitoba is cultivating leaders on food security.

It's what we do. Here are some ways we are doing it.
Launch of Important new Video Resource
now happening On-line
April 21, 2020 1pm (CDT)
Join us: Register for Zoom Webinar Here
Food Insecurity in Manitoba is a series of 3 short videos (5 minutes each) focused on Experiences, Causes and Solutions, telling the Manitoba story. Their release couldn’t be more timely as we are challenged by the inequalities inherent in the current economic system.

The videos reflect key project learnings through the stories of those with lived experience and the analysis and wisdom of community leaders. We want to thank all the community partners who contributed to their production. The faces in the videos reflect the rich diversity of our partner network. The videos are very accessible and will be a useful educational tool for all kinds of groups and settings. The production team at Build Films has created a dynamic professional look.

These videos are part of a larger FMM project, Our Food Our Health Our Culture (2011 to 2020) supported by Public Health Agency of Canada. The project enabled work with vulnerable populations, the organizations serving them, community leaders and policy makers, successfully building capacity in the province to address food insecurity.

When the launch planned for March had to be cancelled due to COVID-19, like so many, we turned to a digital platform. This method has allowed us to extend the invitation across the country and we are set up to accommodate as many as are interested. Please share this opportunity in your networks.

The videos, and a series of accompanying print backgrounders, will be available on our website after the launch.

" It's really important to think about the way in which food interconnects with all sorts of other systems. So we need to be thinking about the interconnections among agriculture and health and trade and environment. And so addressing food security is very much about thinking about supportive income policies, about addressing housing, and about addressing transportation needs. "  

-from the 3rd video "Solutions"
Other Recent Launches
The Winnipeg Food Atlas
Alternative Manitoba Budget
The Winnipeg Food Atlas is a community developed resource designed to help fix food systems issues in Winnipeg.

The interactive map identifies food assets such as farmers markets, community gardens, food bank locations, and grocery stores. It also includes information on indicators of food insecurity, including the cost and prevalence of diabetes, a growing nutrition related health issue.

The Alternative Provincial Budget, released March 3, has a chapter on Food Security prepared by FMM Executive Director, Rob Moquin and Program Coordinator Olivia Boyce.
For those looking for positive action on income equality, reconciliation, climate change and growing food insecurity, this is a helpful tool.

Northern Youth Gathering Video
Journey to the North documents Food Matters Manitoba's 2019 Northern Youth Gathering through the video lens of Jacob Bird, one of the young Indigenous participants.

Through Jacob's reflections we learn about the land based activities the young people experienced. Among them are skinning a lynx, building a shelter, catching fish. We also get an understanding of the impact the program has on shaping a generation of leaders who will address food insecurity in their communities.
Join us in building a Manitoba where good food nourishes strong communities and healthy people by donating today!
Cultivating Leadership on Food Security