Core Tables and Network Tables
What is a Table? Volunteers are trained to form a “Table” and develop long-term relationships with the “Friend” - the young adult they are partnered with. Each Friend living in the house will have a Core Table. A Core Table is a group of four to six volunteers who develop long-term, reciprocal relationships with the Friend. The Friend identifies life challenges creating barriers and works together with Table members to access social networks of support. For a year, Tables meet twice a month for an hour and share friendships and activities outside of Table meetings. At the end of twelve months, Tables form an “After Plan” that defines how the ongoing, supportive relationships will continue.
Click here for a handout describing a Core Table. If you like to develop long-term relationships, a Core Table would be the Table for you!
There will also be one Network Table for the entire house. A team of ten people is trained to form a Network Table. Network Tables access their personal, social, and business networks to link supports, including relationships, services, and goods, to a challenging barrier faced by an individual. What might this look like? A young adult might need assistance with a car repair. Someone on the Network Table could be a mechanic or knows one who would be interested in assisting the young adult. The Network Table will connect the young adult with the mechanic to work on a repair solution.
Click here for a handout describing the Network Table. If you like to provide resources or help people connect to resources, a Network Table would be the Table for you!