Summer is a time for exploration and discovery, when learning and play go hand-in-hand!  CLU "Let's Go!" camps combine art, music, cooking, sensory experiences, and daily community field trips.

Camps are held 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday. Pick-up and drop-off are at CLU.

Camps are available to both full-time CLU students as well as those not currently enrolled in our school.

Cost is $400 per session.  Fee includes materials, lunches at CLU, and "On the Go" field trip entrance fees (e.g., Aquarium of the Pacific). Participate in all 3 sessions or pick and choose the weeks that work for your camper!
Space is limited. Sign-up today! 
Contact us at  ( 310) 997-1900 or apply online at