Announcing the 2013 Seattle Conference

The 2013 US Systemic Constellations Conference brings together the community of trainers, facilitators, students, and newcomers to meet, learn and grow. This will be the 4th US Conference. Each has created spaces for profound Constellation experiences, together with presentations of new insights, applications and techniques. 

We look forward to being with friends and colleagues as we welcome many new faces into the sacred spaces that form when a Constellation field opens.

Please join us in Seattle to share your gifts. 
Courage at the Edge ~ Love in the Center
~ Kirsten Love Lauzon, Conference Program Chair


The theme for this conference emerges from our sense of the movements we experience as individuals and as a collective at this unique moment in our human evolution.  As we engage with Constellation Work, we reveal the Love in the Center of everything. As this loves grows, we are pushed, en-couraged, if you will, to acknowledge our learning edges - our growth edges. 

This movement toward our growth edge can be a process of facing fears, releasing old expectations or integrating new realities. These processes usually require great courage, strength and grace and can bring us to the edges of ourselves as humans ... which expands the breadth and scope of the love we share with all our systems.  More love stimulates more growth ~ which requires more courage!   
Within the frame of this theme, the Conference plans to: 
  • Explore the growth edges of Constellations
  • Apply Constellations in service at the edges of our Earth Community
  • Emphasize healthy relations between Western and indigenous worlds
  • Cultivate connection and support with our Ancestors
  • Illuminate our right place within the eco-fields of the earth
  • Build bridges of mutual support by catalyzing collaborative project 
A Request for Workshop Proposals will be go live by February 25, 2013.

Click Here for more information about the Conference Theme.

An On-Line Community Constellation:
What Does the Conference Want to Be? 
Where is Your Place in It?
An important challenge in creating the Conference is
creating a balance between an environment of inclusion and taking responsibility as organizers that every detail is expertly managed. 

The Steering Committee wants everyone who attends to feel this is my Conference. At the same time, we are the ones who are accountable for everything running smoothly.

Please help us find a healthy balance between structure and spontaneity by participating in the two upcoming Community Conference Calls.
During the Community Conference Calls, we will set up mini-Constellations to ask: 
  • What do you want the Conference to be? 
  • What program content and experiences will be most enriching? 
  • How best can our national Conference support further expansion and acceptance of Constellations? 
 On-Line Community Constellations
February 19 & March 5
6:00 - 7:00 P.M. Pacific
Spotlight on Our Featured Speakers
Tata Pedro Cruz & Nan Shumantla Fenix
"No Matter What Happens,
 Everything With Love"
Tata Pedro is a traditional Mayan Ajq'ij and Day Keeper, and one of the principal authorities of the Council of Mayan Elders of Lake Atitlan. He received the title, "Heart of the Lake Atitlan" K'U'XYA, by his fellow Mayan Council of Elders and Tz'utujil people.

Tata Pedro and Shuni

His teachings 

include Mayan culture, cosmology, the sacred calendars, and the ancient oral wisdom of the Maya. 


Tata Pedro is one of the founders of the Unification of Ancestral Wisdom festival in Tikal, Guatemala. These festivals have brought together the fragmented Mayan descended tribes throughout Guatemala to promote the oral traditions, rituals and culture of the ancient Mayans and to share this wisdom with the world. He has expanded the festival by including ancestral wisdom from other cultures around the world. 


Tata Pedro recognizes the interconnectedness of all people, the expanding consciousness of the planet, and the urgent need to unify our spiritual, cultural and ethnic wisdom for the benefit of the planet and humanity. He is know for his phrase, "No matter what happens, everything with love!" 


Nan Shumantla Fenix is a Mayan Day Keeper and Spiritual Guide, and holds a degree in Naturoapathic and Holistic Medicine. She has performed many Mayan sacred fire ceremonies around the globe. Her wisdom of oral traditions includes the teachings of the Sacred Popol Vuh book of the Maya. Since 2001, she has held the honored title of Official Spiritual Guardian of the Sacred Popol Vuh book of Maya that resides in Chicago. 


Nan Shumantla is President of Kasa Kame, a non-profit organization that is dedicated to the transformation of the human the spirit through the use of alternative therapies, active consciousness, environmental awareness and artistic performance.


Together, Tata Pedro and Nana Shumantla perform their sacred fire ceremonies to honor Ajaaw (God), creator and former all things. "We light our sacred fires to honor the Ancestors who came before us. We light our sacred fires to ask forgiveness from our Mother Earth. We do ceremonies to awaken the consciousness of the planet, and all humanity."

Call for Workshop Proposals
This year's program envisions: Short Talks, Lectures, Experiential Demonstrations and Training Sessions.


We especially want to give space to newcomers to present, as well as bring in many senior trainers and facilitators.
A Request for Workshop proposals will be posted to the Conference website and Facebook page by Feb. 25th 
Introducing the 
2013 Conference Steering Committee
We will introduce a few members of the Steering Committee for each newsletter. For more information about the Steering Committee, and more details about the conference, please visit our website: 
Leah Green, Co-Director 
My passion is being a part of the global awakening and reconnection with indigenous wisdom. Being a participant or facilitating Constellations is soul-food. I am grateful to Francesca Mason Boring for her powerful facilitator training, and to Mark Johnson and Dan Booth Cohen whom I've participated with extensively. It is an honor to join Dan, Mark and our growing team in service to the U.S. Constellation community. 
As founding-director of the Compassionate Listening Project, I bring decades of experience as a facilitator/trainer in the field of conflict transformation and reconciliation. Having worked extensively in the Middle East, I find Constellations ideal for working with collective and transgenerational trauma. Constellations support participants to move beyond words, stories and our victim identities - a priceless contribution. I am facilitating in a Mayan village in Guatemala, where I'm living for four months, infused with Mayan ceremony. I'm delighted that conference attendees will experience a piece of this beautiful indigenous Mayan world.
Barry Krost, Special Events 

Constellations have been an important part of my life since 2002. Growing up with a father and grandparents who survived the Holocaust left me with some deep and painful entanglements and a strong sense of doom.  Through many constellation experiences and facilitator trainings I have a better understanding of suffering, difficult fates and a growing awareness of the amazing love and grace that surrounds us.


For the last 30 years I have been a Bodywork Practitioner with a core that consists of Ortho-Bionomy, Lymph and energy approaches.  I do individual and small group constellations and a mix of constellation and bodywork processes in Chicago, IL.


Kirsten Love Lauzon, Conference Program


"I am here because I love this work." Thank you Dan, Leah and Mark for trusting me with this important post ~ I am honored to be of service to the greater constellation community.


I am a dreamer, writer and artist who believes in the power of love and the primacy of the heart. My passion is paleopsychology: a study of the evolution of human consciousness whose practice emphasizes the importance of our innate indigenous wisdom in the emergence of conscious, collective evolution.


I have been facilitating for 7 years, training facilitators for 3 and will continue to learn the work for as long as I breathe. After studying eco-psychology, conscious dreaming and other shamanic practices for many years, my life changed forever after my first constellation experience in 2003 with G. Dietrich Weth, of Frankfurt Germany. I was honored to present my Dream Constellation Process at the 2011 Conference in San Francisco, and I can't wait to share what I'm doing now!


Sophie Morse, Venue Chair

I discovered constellations work early in 2011 through Leah Green and the facilitation work of Mark Johnson. Subsequently, I studied constellations in a year-long learning circle with Brigitte Sztab.  I have previously trained in conflict resolution with the citizen diplomacy organization, The Compassionate Listening Project, out of Indianola, WA, and I have been a certified mediator in Washington State since 2009.  I currently work nearly full time with the Dispute Resolution Center of Kitsap County as Training and Volunteer Coordinator. A native of New England, I have  a 20-year a background in outdoor experiential education, and I enjoy any chance to pursue my love of the outdoors via sailing, kayaking, hiking or gardening. 


My passion for constellations work comes from my love of listening on a deep level and for healing the planet, one wounded heart at a time. Family Constellations work provides a place for my spiritual, professional and personal paths to meet, to celebrate grace, and be of service.


In our next Newsletter we will introduce the rest of the Steering Committee: 

Lisa Wilson, Scheduling Chair (not pictured) and: 

Dan Booth Cohen,
Mark Johnson Co-Director
Alison Fornes
Graphics and Web Design

Call for Workshop Proposals
Featured Speakers
Francesca Mason Boring
Francesca Mason Boring
Enrolled Member of Shoshone Nation, Inter-national Constellation facilitator and trainer, and author. Francesca has been instrumental in developing Nature, Environmental & Community Constella-tions as well as Constell-ations as Ceremony.


Ursula Franke
Ursula Franke-Bryson, PhD
International Constellation facilitator and trainer, Clinical Psychologist, Author. Ursula's landmark books, including The River Never Looks Back, and her many years of clinical practice and teaching helped establish Constellations as a useful tool for psychotherapists. 
Belvie Rooks
Belvie Rooks
Co-Founder of Growing a Global Hear, Belvie is a writer, educator and producer whose work weaves the worlds of spirituality, feminism, ecology and social justice. She is a Chair of the Board of the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights and a board member of the Institute for Noetic Sciences, 
Tata Pedro Cruz and Shuni Giron
Tata Pedro Cruz & Nan Shumantla
Tata Pedro Cruz is one of the last authentic Mayan Tz'utujil Elders of San Pedro La Laguna, a region that surrounds the famous Lake Atitlan in Guatemala. Nan Shumantla Fenix is a Mayan Day Keeper and Spiritual Guide, and holds a degree in Naturoapathic and Holistic Medicine.
Maori Healers A delegation of traditional Maori Healers will be attending the conference from their native lands in New Zealand. They will share their healing, ceremony and wisdom with us. 
The Venue
Westin Bellevue
This showcase hotel offers full amenities including a gym, spa, and pool. The Hotel prides itself on the "nature inspired" atmosphere and design of its gathering spaces where the Conference activities will take place. A skybridge connects to the "The Bellevue Collection" with a wide array of restaurants and shops. The discounted room rate of $127 includes wi-fi, hot buffet breakfast, and free weekend 
A Note to Volunteers
Thank you to all those who have let us know of your interest in volunteering. We are grateful for your support and interest. We are contacting people as the need arises, and there will be plenty of opportunities for more volunteers as we get closer to the conference. We will keep you posted about our needs as we go. 

will be 
(details to follow)

Super Early Bird Registration Begins in March!
for the first 40 registrations

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