RSVP today for our upcoming in-person and virtual events! For full descriptions and registration, visit

  • (7/21) Weekly Walks Around SOUTH Pond*
  • (7/21) Short Story Intergenerational Discussions
  • (7/23) Saturday Afternoon at the Movies: Sense and Sensibility (1995)
  • (7/26) Brain Connection Café
  • (7/26) Exercise at Home with Jill Stein
  • (7/27) NEW! “Explore Your City” Wednesday Walking Tours: Pilsen | An In-Person Event
  • (7/28) Coffee Chat BYOC
  • (7/29) Lunch at Big Star Restaurant on the Patio with the “Coffee Chat” Group
  • (7/31) NEW! Tiny Theatre Presents: Thompson Street Opera Company's Summer Double Bill | An In-Person Event
  • (8/2) NEW! Favorite Films of the '30's and '40's: The Lady Eve (1941)
  • (8/3) NEW! Ageism Discussion Group Is Now Just “The Group”
  • (8/4) Great Books, Great Conversations

*in the event of extreme weather, an indoor (air-conditioned!) coffee hour at Klein's Bakery & Cafe will replace the outdoor walk.

To RSVP for any event, please visit our web calendar or email us at [email protected]!