How did your book, Collage Care: The Method™ come to be written?
Several years ago, my husband and I had transitioned from collecting paintings to
collages. Conversations with artists also revealed that they turned to collage-making
during times of profound stress—loss of a loved one, job loss, divorce, or other
significant events. This inspired me to explore further. When COVID-19 hit, I worried
about the artists and decided to write a book incorporating lessons from my work with
high school students and mothers. This book includes empirical evidence of how
collage heals and transforms lives. Collage Care: The Method™ books features work
from our collection. It also details exercise experiences that we’ve used with students
and clients over the years.
What is special about collage as a healing tool?
Based on the theory of Transactional Analysis and the research of Erik Erickson, we
know that children between the ages of three to six process things symbolically and
through play. During this period, they make significant decisions about their identity,
relationships, and understanding of the world. When we present information to our adult thinking and aware self, and then process it using a sensory, childlike experience, we access different parts of the self. Through collage-making, my students were talking about sophisticated adult topics, while we used our childlike system to process the information. This idea supports why we think Collage Care: The Method™ works. We offer a step-by-step process that enables people to think, choose, and use new strategies in the world today that can affect the future and revise their thinking about the past.