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October 2015 - In This Issue

The National Endowment for Financial Education has so much going on that putting it all into one monthly newsletter would keep you reading until the next monthly newsletter came out. HSFPP is excited to announce a new blog designed to make it easy for you to keep up-to-date on exciting changes, resources, and announcements from HSFPP and NEFE. Come blog with us!

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Article1Congratulations to the HSFPP 2015
Jump$tart Scholarship Winners!

HSFPP has drawn at random the names of the 10 educators who will join us in Maryland for the Jump$tart Coalition National Educator Conference next month. If you are planning to attend, please  register  as soon as possible. This popular conference is quickly filling up! 

H ere are some examples of how five of the winners are using technology to teach personal finance:
NEFEContentNew September NEFE Content

In September, NEFE released resources to help individuals prepare for the unexpected; explored the money dreams and challenges of young adults around the country; and asked the question: Is technology the end of teachers?
trainingUpcoming Training Opportunities

At  www.hsfpp.org  you can find face-to-face training events  in your state and  register for a live 45-minute  introduction webinar  that fits into your schedule. Webinar dates are now available through December. 

NEFEresourcesNEFE Resources for Educators

CashCourse® --- online materials for college students
Financial Workshop Kits --- resources for adult financial educators
Evaluation Toolkit® --- databank of questions to measure impact
On Your Own --- young adult blog about financial lessons learned
Spendster --- confessions of bad spending habits
Smart About Money --- consumer finance tips and tools
High School Financial Planning Program | hsfpp@nefe.org   www.hsfpp.org
National Endowment for Financial Education | 1331 - 17 Street | Suite 1200  | Denver, CO 80202
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The High School Financial Planning Program (HSFPP) is the flagship program of the National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE®). NEFE is the leading private nonprofit, noncommercial foundation dedicated to inspiring empowered financial decision-making for individuals and families through every stage of life.

Learn more about the complete suite of NEFE's free consumer and educator resources at  www.nefe.org .