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Announcing the Summer 2023 Issue

The Summer 2023 issue of The Kenyon Review includes a Women’s Health-themed folio, with poetry by Lynne Thompson, Felicia Zamora, and Cindy Juyoung Ok; fiction by Emma Binder and Kabi Hartman; nonfiction by Susannah Nevison and Sophie Strohmeier; and much more. The annual Nature’s Nature feature, edited by David Baker, showcases poems by Victoria Chang, Terrance Hayes, Joanna Klink, Joyelle McSweeney, Arthur Sze, and Brian Teare, who each also introduce emerging poets: Charlie Decker, Bernard Ferguson, Jennifer Elise Foerster, fahima ife, Jordan Nakamura, and Santiago Vizcaíno (translated by Kimrey Anna Batts). The cover art is by Tawny Chatmon.

Read the issue online here and order a copy here.

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Why We Chose It: "Shelter, in Place" by Sydney Tammarine

by Victoria Bosch-Murray, Reader

“Shelter, in Place” by Sydney Tammarine appears in the Summer 2023 issue of The Kenyon Review.

Why did we choose Sydney Tammarine’s essay “Shelter, in Place”? Because when all else fails, art saves. Art restores, enriches, soothes, challenges, and educates. This essay is an artistic education. It’s an emotional education. “Darshana throws her head back and laughs for the first time all winter,” writes Tammarine, “but off the walls of the classroom it sounds a little like a scream,” and when a laugh is confused with a scream, we as readers know we’re in violent territory. I won’t say “unscripted” because we’ve seen this again and again and again: America’s classrooms are violent. But this is from the teacher’s point of view. Not as heroic savior but as vulnerable participant and aesthetic observer.

Read the rest of the Why We Chose It here.

Read the WWCI
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Summer Workshops Are Underway!

Earlier this month, over one hundred participants, faculty, and fellows descended on Kenyon College in Gambier, OH, for Session One of the Kenyon Review Residential Adult Writers Workshops. Generative, supportive workshops and nightly readings made for a vibrant, energizing seven days. Both genre-specific Summer Online Adult Workshops and Summer Online Writers Workshop for Teachers ran last week, and Session Two of the residential workshops begins on July 16. 

Our workshops for high school writers have also begun, with 167 students from sixteen countries and twenty-seven states participating this week in the Young Writers Summer Online Workshops. This weekend, 104 students from around the country and world arrived on campus for the first two-week session of the Young Writers Residential Workshops. We welcome them and their creative enthusiasm for another great summer!

Developmental Editing Fellowships

Look out next month for news on our Developmental Editing Fellowship for Emerging Writers! The fellowship is designed to nurture and develop new voices in fiction, nonfiction, and poetry, and pairs writers in each of these genres with an established author for one-on-one mentorship.

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The Kenyon Review is supported in part by generous grants from the Ohio Arts Council, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the Smart Family Foundation.