"Kus-kus-sum: Restoring a K'omoks First Nation salmon estuary"
Lynda Mapes
Environment Reporter, The Seattle Times
Seattle, Washington
"Since Time Immemorial"
Elaine Anselmi
Senior Editor,
The Narwhal
Erin, Ontario
Pat Kane
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
"Protecting Land and Culture from Shore to Shining Sea in Northern Labrador"
Gloria Dickie
Freelance Journalist
Victoria, British Columbia
"The Iron Heart of Tallurutiup Imanga"
Ali Withers
Video Journalist/Documentary Filmmaker
Vancouver, British Columbia
"IPCA and Marine Protected Areas in British Columbia"
Congratulations to our awardees, and a sincere thank you to everyone who submitted proposals. We were truly impressed by the scope and quality of the submissions we received, and look forward to seeing the stories that grantees produce.
*Please note: IJNR has very strongly suggested that grantees postpone all reporting-related travel until 2021, or until such time that the risk of transporting COVID-19 into remote indigenous communities is dramatically decreased.