Dear TC Community,
We have arrived at Winter Break! Wishing everyone a safe and fun time with family and friends. Before you go…
Our TCPG Annual Fundraising Appeal is still going through the end of December! To date, we have raised almost $60,000 toward our goal of $175,000.
Last Year's Fundraising Impact:
Your donations last school year allowed TCPG to contribute approximately $170,000 to support the school’s priority needs, such as:
- A grant for staffing support for academic intervention
- The equity and access fund
- Arts and expeditionary learning materials
Focus on Staffing:
Take a look at the pie chart below and you'll notice that the biggest piece of the pie went toward staffing. The staff is the heartbeat of a school, and allow our kids to thrive. Your donations to TCPG preserved interventionist positions, which allowed for:
- Maintaining grade level math classes for all 4th and 5th graders
- Support for early grade students to build the necessary foundations in reading and math
Upcoming Challenges:
Next year the school district is facing a $100 million deficit. This is likely to severely affect every school in the district with cuts that will impact students, including Thornton Creek.
Why Your Support Matters Now:
Your contributions before the end of December help TCPG plan effectively so that we can help mitigate these impacts for our school. When the budget comes out in February, the turnaround time for committing TCPG funds to the district for staffing is very short.
How You Can Make a Difference:
Please don’t wait! An average gift of $400 per student would allow us to reach our goal. Please give what you can. We welcome single donations as well as recurring monthly payments to allow flexibility for your family’s budget. We can all make a difference and help provide stability for our school in the context of an underfunded school district.