Training Announcement

Annual Compliance and Ethics Training is Coming Soon

Starting in January 2024 you will be able to access training in your Learning@Work portal. If you prefer to complete training through a live virtual session, dates and times will be announced as well as the links to register once training launches.

2024 Training Topics

The University's Code of Conduct

The University's Guide to the State Code of Ethics

Key Reminders on:

  • The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
  • Accessibility in Course and Communication Design
  • The Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act

Ways You Can Prepare for Training Now

Block off time on your calendar in February or March so you have dedicated time to complete training.

Refresh yourself on last year's training (scroll down after logging into Learning@Work to view your completed trainings) so you can skip ahead during this year's training when you have the opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge.

Review applicable policies and procedures so you can better engage with the training content.


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