Annual Dean Feedback Survey

Dear Faculty and Staff, 


Each year the Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs completes an annual evaluation of Deans in the following colleges/units: College of Arts and Letters, College of Business, College of Education, College of Science and Engineering, College of Technology, the Graduate School, and the Library. The Vice President of Health Sciences and Senior Vice Provost, in collaboration with the Provost, completes an annual evaluation of the Deans in the College of Health and the College of Pharmacy. The feedback collected in this survey will provide information for consideration in these annual performance evaluations.

We welcome your thoughts in this process.


If you would like to provide information, please fill out this survey.  This survey should take about 10 minutes to complete.  I appreciate receiving your survey by 5 p.m. on Friday, March 1.

Click on this link to take the survey:


Thank you for your assistance in this important process.  



Adam Bradford, PhD

Interim Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: With the exception of the verbatim comments at the end of the survey that will be shared with the Deans, all information will remain confidential. Only aggregate data will be shared with the Dean being evaluated. This survey is completely anonymous AND will not track any identifying information. No identifying factors (i.e., faculty or staff status or full or part-time employment) will be shared. The survey has been disseminated through Qualtrics which is a secure survey platform. Direct survey responses can only be accessed by the Director of Institutional Research.

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