RCSD students, families, and community members
Annual Family and Community Engagement Forum
Saturday, November 19, 2022, 11 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Anna Murray-Douglass Academy School No.12
999 South Avenue
Rochester, NY 14620
The Rochester Board of Education and the Office of Parent Engagement are hosting a family and community engagement forum on Saturday, November 19, from 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m., at Anna Murray-Douglass Academy School No. 12.
This forum is an opportunity to discuss important topics currently impacting the District and the community. District staff will be on-hand to provide information about RCSD services and programs. Breakout room sessions will be held on topics like academic achievement, social-emotional learning, and special education. The theme is Strength in Unity.
Each adult attending will be asked to participate in two different breakout informational sessions. Participants will be asked to choose from the following topics during online registration:
Academic Achievement: Student performance, graduation requirements, and feedback on two future academic policy additions
Budget and Financial Literacy: Financial literacy and key dates for 2023-24 budget review
Facilities Modernization Program: Phase 3 of this program includes 475 million dollars approved by the State of New York for the District to improve learning spaces, update athletic fields with state-of-the-art amenities, and additions to science and career and technical education labs
Positive School Climate: Overview of the Code of Conduct Committee review process and feedback on what positive school climate looks like from attendees
Social-Emotional Learning: Tools for social-emotional well-being for families to use at home
Special Education: Overview, evaluation process, Committee on Special Education (CSE) Meeting, and services students receive
Pre-registration for the event is strongly encouraged, however, walks-in are welcome. Pre-registration will assist with planning for breakout sessions, food, childcare, and youth activities during the forum. To pre-register for the event, find more information here.